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I walk out of my cell with Neo on my shoulder and begin making my escape. I make my way up the series of stairs when the alarm finally goes off and guards start making their way to me. I stop seeing a large group of guards who cock their guns at me. I sigh and close my hand which shatters the stairs underneath them. I watch them fall to the ground below then jump the gap I created. I reach the high risk prisoners who are cheering and begging to join me. I ignore them and continue of my way until I see Cane, the guard and several heavily armored guards.

Guard: "Stop and return to your cell!"

Y/N: "No. I've been in there for over forty years, so I think it's time for me to leave."

Guard: "Open fire!"

I hold up my hand which makes the bullets explode before they can hit me. I then wave my hand to the side knocking everyone but Cane into the wall. He looks at his comrades then at me with fear.

Y/N: "Don't worry, I'm not going to hurt you."

Cane: "Why?"

Y/N: "Because you didn't attack me."

I walk past him and finally exit the prison. I take a deep breath and sigh having a newfound appreciation for freedom. I turn to Neo to see her point forward; I follow her instructions and see a man in a bowler hat leaning against a bullhead smoking a cigar.

Man: "This the guy?"

Neo: *nods*

Roman: "Name's Roman."

Y/N: "Y/N."

Roman: "Let's leave before reinforcements arrive."

Y/N: "Iike that idea."

We load up in the bullhead and fly off with Neo sitting on my lap for some reason. We arrive at a intimidating castle; we walk inside and head down some long corridors until we stand before a set of wooden doors. Roman opens the doors and I see quite the variety of characters with the most odd being the deathly pale woman sitting at the head of the table. 

Woman: "So this is Y/N."

Y/N: "And you are?"

Salem: "My name is Salem and these are my lackeys-"

Y/N: "Yeah yeah, what am I doing here?"

Male: "You will not interrupt my goddess!!!"

He lungs at me but I crack my finger and he falls to the ground unresponsive.

Y/N: "I can do what I please. Now answer me, why am I here?"

Salem: "You are powerful and I want you by my side."

Y/N: "What's in it for me?"

Salem: "Whatever your heart desires."

Y/N: "Hmmm, tempting but, I don't want to work with you."

Salem: "What?"

Y/N: "Yeah, I sorta got my own set of plans and I fear working with you will only get in the way."

Salem: "Are you refusing my offer?"

Y/N: "Yeah."

Salem: "Everyone leave, now."

Everyone gets up from their seats and leaves the room. Salem gets off her throne and walks to me with me beating her by four inches. She goes for a right hook but I grab her wrist and pin her arm behind her back. I can feel her smile when she steps on my foot. I let go as she makes a sword and slashes my chest. She goes for another slash when I catch her wrist. I reel my fist back and go to punch her when she blocks it with her arm. 

Y/N: "You're not half bad."

Salem: "The same goes for you."

We smile at each other when I kick her away as she lands in her throne. She stands up and makes some magic in her hand. She then launches it at me which makes me smile and catch it. I pour my power into it make it glow F/C and grow in size. I throw it at her and she attempts to catch it too. However it's too much and it explodes on contact; her clothes are torn open leaving nothing to imagination. I whistle at her figure as she smiles and runs at me again. I smile and grab her by her neck. I pull her close to me and kiss her. She doesn't fight back, instead she deepens it and takes it a step further.

Roman POV

The fighting stops which means that they're finally done. We give it a little while just to be safe then head inside. Upon entering we stare in shock at Y/N sitting on Salem's throne with a fully nude Salem sleeping in his lap with him still inside her.

Roman: "Sweet Oum."

Cinder: "How?"


I stare at everyone's reaction and smile. 

Y/N: "Guess this makes me the king."

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