✨ℂ𝕙𝕒𝕡𝕥𝕖𝕣 𝟙𝟚- 𝕋𝕙𝕖 ℍ𝕠𝕤𝕡𝕚𝕥𝕒𝕝✨

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As soon as we arrived at the hospital, the stretcher was lowered and they began rolling it inside.

I could see Biana's friends rushing towards us. Surprisingly, Linh was with them as well.

I'll deal with Linh later. Right now, Biana.

Her friends caught up and started rambling all at once.

I kept my eyes focused on Biana, but she was pulled away into the emergency room, and we weren't allowed in.

I studied Biana's group. There was a girl with blonde hair and brown eyes, a guy with blond hair and blue eyes, a girl with a blue streak through her dark hair, and a guy with strawberry blonde hair that seemed to be glaring daggers into me. And then there was a guy with the same teal eyes as Biana, although his weren't as bright and beautiful as hers. But I assumed that this was her brother. He seemed pretty mad, and if looks could kill, I'd already be dead.

Suddenly, he lunged for me. "What did you do to her?!" he yelled.

Still in shock, it took some time for me to realize that I'd been shoved to the ground.

"Fitz-" the blonde boy started.

But then, that Fitz guy punched me right in the nose.

I could feel the blood trickling down my face as I stumbled backwards, clutching my nose.

"Tam!" my sister exclaimed, rushing over to me.

"I'm fine." I told her.

Linh turned to Fitz.

"Fitz, calm down." she said, gently putting a hand on his arm. He immediately relaxed at her touch, and I suspiciously raised an eyebrow.

"Sorry." Fitz mumbled, helping me up.

I got my nose fixed, and Biana's friends introduced themselves.

Then, the strawberry blonde boy, whose name was Dex, turned to me with angry eyes. "Explain."

I took a deep breath and explained, from the part where I went to the hill and saw Biana to the part where we arrived at the hospital.

They all looked at me with shocked expressions.

Suddenly, the doctor came in.

"You are the family of Biana Vacker?" he asked, looking at us through huge, odd-looking glasses.

"Family and friends." Maruca replied.

"Hold on." Sophie stepped forward. "Elwin?"

"Sophie!" he exclaimed, embracing her in a hug. "Good to see that my #1 patient is alright!"

"Look, this is touching and all, but what about my sister?" Fitz demanded.

"Right. Fortunately, the operation was successful, and she's in here." he said, leading us to another room.

We all rushed in, and Biana was there on the cot, her skin as pale as paper and her eyes closed. I let out a sigh of relief as I realized that she was sleeping peacefully. Her leg was wrapped in a cast, and I immediately felt a punch of guilt.

"Now that you've seen that she's okay, out." Elwin said firmly. "Go home, it's late. You can come back and visit her tomorrow."

Everyone else obediently shuffled out, and as soon as they were gone, I turned back to Elwin.

"Please." I said, a tear strolling down my cheek. "Please let me stay. I need to make sure she's okay."

Elwin sighed. "Fine. But be careful with her leg."

I nodded and went in again, carefully studying the room.

It was pretty big, and Biana's huge cot was the only one in there. There was a vanity beside it, along with a nightstand on the other side.

It still lacked in decoration though.

I sat down at Biana's side. I sat there, not sleeping, until I saw the sun rising. It was almost midday when I finally spoke.

"This is all my fault."

Hey guys! I updated! Gotta go now! Have a great night/day! Love You!!


𝗱𝗮𝗻𝗰𝗲 𝘄𝗶𝘁𝗵 𝗺𝗲. tiana / bam ✔Where stories live. Discover now