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-20 Years Later-

Crunch. Crunch. 

The leaves seamed to be in a mournful mood as well, crumpling underneath a pair of heeled black boots. A hand enveloped in a lacy black glove swept the pestering bits away as a fresh bouquet of flowers was laid underneath a dark stone, a name engraved in it.

Alvar Soren Vacker

A woman with dark brown hair and teal eyes glistening with sorrowful tears drew herself back from where she was leaning over her deceased brother's grave. 

She smiled, although a tear escaped the corners of her eye and slipped down her cheek. 

"Happy birthday, Alvar," she whispered before turning on her heel and leaving, her black dress billowing out around her. But then she paused. 

"I love you, my dear brother." 

The lilies on his grave danced in response.

The crunching of leaves resumed once more as Biana Vacker left the graveyard.


"Da-ad! Alvar was snooping through my things again!"

"I was not, you brat! Avery's lying, Dad!"

A man with dark bangs tipped in silver leaned against the kitchen counter, his head in his hands. He had been trying to control  his two arguing children for the past hour, and his efforts had failed miserably. Oh, how badly he wished his wife would come home already...

The faint rumble of the garage door opening caused the two bickering children to stop wrestling and rush to the door, awaiting their mother. 


"Hey, kids," Biana smiled at her son and daughter lovingly. 

Alvar, 8 years old and a headful of chocolate brown hair, jumped around Biana, smiling at her with his silver flecked pale blue eyes with his 6 year old sister, Avery, who had jet black hair and shining teal eyes. 

Both were named after Biana's older brothers, both who had been a huge part of her life.

"Was it that bad, Tammy?" She asked, laughing at how tired and worm out her husband was by two kids. 

"You can't imagine," Tam grinned, giving her a back hug. "We have to go to the Sencens' in an hour."

"Holy moly, an hour?! I need time to get ready!" Biana cried, running up the whole flight of stairs.

Tam chuckled to himself. "That's my Bi."


"Jolie!" Avery ran up to the door shouting her best friend's name.

Jolie Sencen, Sophie and Keefe's second child, opened the door and the two girls embraced happily.

Sophie and Keefe had three kids: Kenric, Jolie, and Calla. Ken was the same age as Alvar, Jolie the same as Avery, and little Calla was two. All three had the same dirty blonde hair, but only Calla inherited Keefe's ice blue eyes. 

And then there was Fitz and Linh. It took several weeks- months actually- for Fitz to finally have Tam's consent to marrying his sister. They had a four year old girl named Maia, who had Linh's soft, dark hair and the signature Vacker teal eyes, although they had silver flecks in them as well, making Maia's eyes all the more stunning. 

It came as quite the surprise to everyone that Dex and Marella had been dating. Eventually, Biana had come around to her and both were quite close now. Dex and Marella had a pair of 8 year old twins- Wilson and Alison. 

Away from the drama, their lives were complete.


"So, where are we going again?"

Tam grinned smugly. "You'll see."

The couple arrived in a deserted area, where a tall hill stood in the middle. 

Biana gasped. "It's the hill..."

"Where we first met," Tam finished. 

It brought back memories for both of them, and they ran up the hill hand in hand, laughing together even as it began to rain.

"Biana, it's raining, we should-"



"Dance with me!"

Biana started to twirl around to the beat of the rain, and Tam joined her seconds later, the loving pair laughing and dancing without a care in the world. 


"Yes, love?"

"Promise me we'll always dance together like this."

Tam lifted her up into the air, smiling widely at how happy she looked. "Forever and always, Biana. Forever and always."

Their fairy tale ended with a kiss.

Yep, that's the end. Wow, that came quick, didn't it? For those of you who have stayed with me till the end, thank you so so so so (X100000) much!! I truly couldn't have made it here without you guys! If you want more Tiana, feel free to check out my other Tiana fanfic :> Love you all so much! Have a great night/day! Love you!!!!!!!


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