Chapter 11

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Sorry,I took such a long break,school started back up and my sleep schedule is fucked.

Deku's POV
I was basically running through the hallway to get to my best friend,dragging Kacchan behind me,him easily keeping up due to my small size.I got to a door where her scent led and knocked on the door.It opened to reveal a green headed beta female who seemed to have the characteristics of a frog,covered in Ochakos scent."Whats up,Kero?"She looked at me,she was about an inch taller then me so she had to slightly look down at me,which made me curse my height even more then usual.

"Im looking for my friend,she's a brunette and her scent led me here"I looked up at her,not sure if I should be concerned for Ochakos safety or not.She looked at me confused for a second before a look of realisation set onto her face and she turned around,talking to someone in the room.I could feel Kacchan staring into the back if my head.The green haired girl moved away form the door and my best friend stepped out,greeting me with a hug.

"I was so worried!"She muttered into my neck,smelling my scent,before letting out a small growl and looked up,staring behind me.I went to pull away,but she pulled me closer to her body and shoved me into the room behind her.She shut the door,closing herself outside the room,leaving me in there with the frog girl.

I could her growling at the alpha,showing she was upset that he scented me before coming to see her,she was always incredibly protective of me because of what happened to my mother.She was like an older sister to me,even though she was younger (funfact,I have the same birthday as Ochako)

The chapter is slightly longer then usual,again sorry for the long wait,also im thinking about abandoning this book,its gotten me incredibly popular,but I've lost ideas and im not into the fandom as much as I used to be,if anyone is interested,dm me and you might be able to adopt this book,ill continue to update until im completely out of ideas,in also wanting to write a new book,such as another fandom or an x Reader,plead give me some ideas that you'd want to see from me in the future.

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