Chapter 3

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Sorry for not updating sooner!Also plz give me feedback on the picture up the top!

Mineta's POV
The stupid alpha put me really close to the cute beta.I snuggled into her chest and eventually fell asleep.Its weird some people just assume I'm a pup because of how small I am so it gives me a better chance to check out the cute girls I come across.

Ochako's POV
I felt something small and warm snuggle into my chest as I slipped in and out of consciousness.I was comfortable until I felt the small warm ball start to like my chest!I snapped my eyes open energized from the short time I was unconscious.I let out a growl at the puppy and he let out a whimper.In response so did Izuku.Wait....
IZUKU!!I shifted and walked over to the alpha.

Bakuhoes POV
The beta finally woke up.The puppy must of done something because she growled at it causing it to whimper behind me.But when the pup whispered so did my omega in reaction.I heard her grunt before she came over to me in her human form.My omega snuggled into me as she sat next to me."Where are you taking us?!"She snapped at me with venom lacing her words."Home".I simply replied.

Time skip~

Bakuhoes POV
Pretty soon Shitty Hair began to land in the front garden of the palace.I helped the beta off of my Dragon and then my omega.Kirishima shifted back into his human form and I told him to carry the wolf pup.

3rd person POV
Bakugo told the beta to follow him as he carried his omega bridal style to Tsuyu Asui's room."Oi frog face open the door,you got a roommate!"He whisper yelled as to not wake up the sleeping cinnamon roll in his arms.

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