Chapter 9

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Hi everyone sorry it took so long,I updated 3 times last month and my brain couldn't think of anything .also sorry it's a slightly shorter update then usual I wrote this within a 15 min time span and I had no ideas for it,enjoy!

3rd Person's POV
Izuku stepped forward walking slower then the prince in front of him.He wasn't sure how to act around the King and Queen so he just followed the prince like a lost puppy.Though the queen looked rather stern on the outside,on the inside she was overjoyed that the omega was clinging to her son as if his life depended on it.

Meanwhile Katsuki was worried about how his parents would react to meeting his hopefully near future mate.He was certain that he wanted to be with the omega for the rest of his life.But he wasn't sure how his parents would react.The queen was well known for being almost as hostile as her son except she wasn't overly protective of her mate as she new he was loyal and he was happy to be her omega.

The broccoli haired omega was confuse by the couple as it was odd to see a female alpha with an omega male.Usually the omega males were mated to beta's or male alpha's but this was a male omega with an alpha female.Izuku could tell that his brash alpha had been gifted his mother's personality as he saw Katsuki's father slightly cower at all of the Alpha energy in the room.

Katsuki's POV
My omega trailed behind me as I approached the thrones where my mother and father sat,silently staring at us.I could tell that the old hag was happy that I had finally found a mate and I couldn't have been happier that I had found the omega before some other alpha did.He was adorable and any alpha would want to mate him and have puos with him,but if I marked him before anyone else laid eyes on him,then they'd know to back off and that he belonged to the prince.

I sat in my throne pulling the omega into my lap,with his head in my neck I could tell my scent was helping to calm his nerves.From what I had gathered about him in the short time he had been there,he lived with his mum/mom and his best friend,the beta girl I had brought back with me.I hadn't heard any mention of a father at all which left me wondering 'was his mother forced into mating then abandoned?is that why he won't mate with me?'with more and more questions floating around in my head,I became lost in thought.

My mother's yelling pulled me out of my thoughts.

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