Chapter 1.1

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Izuku could feel the adrenaline coursing throughout his body as he forced his legs to keep going. The looming threat closing the gap behind him was stressing him out, and the longer he ran, the more tired he became. To anyone that didn't know the broccoli head, it would seem like he was in danger, but to those close to him, it was obvious he was just messing around with him best friend once again.

The village in which the young Midoriya and his best friend resided in was called redwood, ruled like many others by a man named Endeavour. Everyone knew that wasn't his real name, but without his actual name being public knowledge, they had to call him something. Izuku didn't attend school, but was instead taught the basics he would need by his mother Inko. The boys father had abandoned them both when Izuku was just a baby, so it was no surprise he had inherited his mother's good nature.

As Izuku ran, his breathing became even more laboured, just as he was beginning to slow down, he was pounced upon.
"Hi Izuku, fancy seeing you here", his best friend Ochako spoke tauntingly. She sat on his back as she celebrated her victory of winning their game of tag. Neither of the pair were very athletic, so running for as long as their game had gone on had tired them both out.

As the brunette got off the smaller male, there was an unfamiliar growl from a nearby bush. Ochako being the brave independant woman she was...

Shoved her best friend towards the noise and hid behind him.🤦‍♀️

The growling stopped as a pathetic looking purple haired child stumbled out. The pair were confused, it smelled like a teenager, but looked like an actual child, not to mention, he was looking at the female very oddly. "Are you alright?", Izuku asked the kid, expecting something like 'I'm lost' or 'I'm looking for berries.' But no, instead what he got was a snotty " shut up greenie, I'm interested in the lady." As he got closer to Ochako and attemoted to grab towards her boobs.

The duo decided they were already sick of this kid and walked away, back towards the village. When an impossibly loud roar sounded from above them. "It's okay, it's just a dragon", Ochako spoke looking towards her short friend. "IT'S NOT OKAY, IT'S A DRAGON, RUN!"

The pair began sprinting through the forest once more, this time towards the borders of Endeavours kingdom, as the dragon would have to have a death wish to enter there.However, right before they made it across, a figure dropped from the sky, landing inform of them and blocking their only path out of their bad situation.

Right, what are we thinking, like it? Don't like it? Let me know, until next update which should hopefully be soon <3

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 24, 2022 ⏰

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