Chapter 6

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AllMight Junior's POV
I woke up to a really good smell.It was like caramel mixed with chocolate and something else that was unknown to me but still smelt delicious.I sat up and the door to the bedroom opened to see an unfamiliar,grumpy looking,blonde alpha.I stared at him in awe wanting to touch his hair to see if it was hard or soft.

He gave me a slight smile and walked one got me holding a tray of the things Prince Shoto called pancakes.I worked for him in the castle but it was never where I wanted to be.He was horrible to most people that went near him and he sometimes yelled at people for no reason.He reminded me of King Enji,his father.However the Prince did have his moments where he was like his mother and showed that he cared.His mother and the queen Rei,was a lovely woman whom was loved by almost everyone.

The blonde that sat in front of me held a fork with a peice of pancake on it.I looked at him confused for a while until he finally told me what he wanted me to do."I want you to eat it,you're to light."He sounded angry but I stopped myself from whimpering.I had seen what happened to Omegas who refused an alpha's wishes,it wasn't pretty.I opened my mouth for him and he put the fork in my mouth.

The taste of chocolate,caramel and maple syrup filled my taste buds and the only way to describe it was that I felt like I was on cloud nine.

Katsuki's POV
He looked adorable eating the pancakes I had made for him.I didn't realise but he had opened his mouth again almost begging me to give him more.I got another peice on the fork and gave it to him.This went on until nothing was left.I gave him a smile and patted his head quickly before walking back out of my room down to the kitchen.

Third person POV
The Prince made his way back to his room to discuss some things with the omega.He walked over to the bed and sat down pulling the omega into his lap holding him close.Izuku felt uncomfortable in the situation,he was sitting in the lap of a really hot alpha that he knew nothing about.He tried to get out the alpha's arms but the alpha just growled at him."You're my omega."This confused Izuku because he had never met this alpha before and it was weird that he was in a very fancy room.

"Wh-what if I-I don't want to b-be?"The omega whispered to himself but because alpha's have advanced hearing he answered."You don't have a choice."

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