Chapter 13

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Thank you everyone for reading my shit writing, this book is officially at 100 thousand reads, it means a lot and I'll try and find the motivation to update more.

TW: attempted rape

The broccoli headed omega awoke within a few hours, to find himself bound to a mattress by a thick rope. The material dug into his wrists and ankles as he struggled to free himself. A cruel chuckle made its was into his ears from the hallway, looking up and focusing on the Alpha prince in-front of him. There was not much Izuku could remember before passing out, other then an unfamiliar scent and someone holding him. The alpha was obviously Prince Shoto Todoroki, the alpha that had wanted Izuku as a mate. He stared into the alphas hungry lust filled eyes, before snarling at the alpha in-front of him.

He had no clue how the heterochromic male had found out he was with the explosive alpha, or how he had gotten through the defences, but he did know he wanted to go home. The male advanced towards the struggling omega, chuckling to himself as he removed his shirt and pants, showing the muscles only a pure alpha could possibly imagine of having. Midoriya, however, preferred Bakugo's body and scent. The Todorokian prince was nothing compared to Bakugo.

The prince climbed atop the omega and began to strip him of his clothes. Izuku began to move around more frantically as he tried to escape the confinements the prince had trapped him in. The struggle continued for a further couple minutes, before the alpha had fully undressed the omega and himself.

He began to start the mating process, before the doors burst open and the explosive Pomeranian barged his way into the room. The two alphas growled and snarled at each other, waiting for one of them to submit, but neither did.

They glared at each other before the whimpering of the omega woke Bakugo from his trance as he shifted and lunged at his opponent. Todoroki soon shifted, the size of their wolves almost the same except Bakugo's was slightly bigger and looked even more dangerous.

They fought for what seemed like forever before the heterochromic alpha finally submitted, letting the blonde collect his mate from the bed.

Izuku's limbs felt like they were on fire, the rope having been scratching and irritating his skin to the point of it being red. The blonde untied him and held him close to his chest, wrapping him up in his red cloak, making sure Izuku was comfortable before exiting the castle, smirking at the submitting alpha who was still laying on the floor in the position the blonde had left him in.

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