Chapter 8

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Thankyou so much for 200 followers!!I never thought I would get this far with my stories as I thought of most of my ideas during school or just getting inspired by others.So a big thank you to everyone who has followed or liked my story,you've all made me happier then you could imagine!

Bakugou's POV
I looked at my omega,watching him as he slept peacefully when there was a knock on the door.I unwrapped my arms from around him and got up walking over to the door.One of my mother's guards stood outside my door."What?!"I snapped at him for disturbing my time with my cute mate."Her Majesty has requested for your presence my prince," he said looking at me but not making eye contact as it was highly offensive."Tell her I'll be there soon"i grouned."She also wishes for your omega to be there sire"I shut the door in his face and went to get my omega ready.

Izuku's POV
I felt like everything around me was shaking so I opened my eyes in panic only to see I was being carried in the alphas arms towards a door.I snuggled closer to him as it was cold and he entered what seemed to be a closet.I gently put me on a pile of pillows and went to pull all sorts of clothes out of drawers.He came back over to me handing me a white shirt with a green jacket.It was soft and slightly fluffy but also seemed to be fit for royalty.He lead me into a bathroom that also came off his room.

Narrators POV(Sorry for all the switches😅)
The omega got changed as quickly as he could and opened the door to be greeted with the alpha in the same clothes he had been in previously except now he had the cape on that had previously been on the floor.The alpha looked at the omega biting his bottom lip while looking at the omega,making the omega slightly uncomfortable but also made him feel happy that the alpha liked how he looked.

"We need to get going or the hag is going to lose her mind and start screaming at a cactus again"The prince said looking at his omega before taking his hand and leading him out into the corridor."Who are we going to see?"the omega asked looking at his alpha for answers as to why he was being taken down a hallway in fancy clothes,in what seemed to be a palace."My mother wishes to meet you" the alpha replied sounding slightly annoyed at something.The pair arrived a giant pair of doors and without knocking the blonde alpha barged his way in,taking the omega with him.

Izuku lifted his head to see what was going on and was instantly met with the cold stare of a female version of the alpha he had grown accustomed to.He could tell it was the alphas mother as the female was dressed as the Queen should be and the king sat next to her looking rather docile.He seemed as if he couldn't hurt a fly,but Izuku knew better then to judge a book bye its cover.

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