Chapter 5

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The art is mine,She's an OC of mine that I made a few years ago but I only drew her for the first time a few weeks ago.

Boom-Boom Boi's POV
I sent the omega to the dungeons and ordered for him to be fed to one of the rogues we had captured.I soon went to my (idk what it's called T^T.)(Office?)and got some work done about repairs around the kingdom.I was flying through my work thinking about my omega and in about 20 minutes I was done with everything.I left everything in a pile on my desk and decided I was going to bed.

I got to my room to find the omega still asleep.I took off my cape and all that shit and got into bed.I grabbed the deku's(OMG IM DYING DEKU'S AUTOCORRECTED TO DRUGS😂)waist and pulled him to towards me.He let out a noise that sounded almost like purring and he snuggled closer to me.I protectively wrapped my arm around him so no one could take him from me.

Le time skip/next day UwU

Kirb-Ochako's POV
I woke up in my new room and saw Tsuyu standing by the bathroom door.I finally decided to get up after Tsu wandered into the bathroom.I got up and got all my stuff ready for the day.I wasn't sure what I was going to be doing but from what Bakugo told me last night I was going to be working around the castle.A few minutes later Tsu walked out and gave me a small smile.I missed Izuku but I knew that the Prince would keep him safer then I ever could.

Cinnamon Rolls POV
I woke up in an unfamiliar room.It looked fancy and I had no idea where I was so I let out some destress pheromones to try and signal Ochako,if she was even in the same place as me,to come and get me.A low but soft growl came from behind me and I was pulled towards the heat source by the arms around my waist.I had no idea how I hadn't noticed the arms,it felt right to be with this mysterious person though.I called down and started to drift back to sleep.

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