Chap1 My Best Friend Jay

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Hi I really hope that you like this book. The idea just came to me one day when I was bored so I wrote it down and finished in like a few weeks. So I'll post a new chapter like every Friday or so. Comment, Vote, Tweet, Like, and tell your friends! Love you all :D


I ran to my room and locked the door. My tears were quickly filling up and threatened to spill over. I needed to be alone, I needed to vent, I needed to pour my heart and soul out on paper. I grabbed my spiral notebook, a box of sharpened pencils and turned off my bedroom light. I then proceeded to crawl into the deepest darkest corner of my closet. I called it my corner of lost dreams it was where I stored my never been worn prom dress and my comfort foods. (AKA junk food that I hide from my health conscious mom) By the dim closet light I started to write.

I'm writing about my best friend Jay. His full name is Jason Goodman and I'm Stephanie Howsard. We've been friends ever since he saved me from some bullies when I was nine. He always just kinda stuck around after that. Even when I was 13 and having some serious acne problems he still said I was the prettiest girl in the world. People always expected us to get together, but our relationship wasn't like that, Jay was like the brother I never had. Every fond memory included him. Sure I had other friends too but I wasn't as close to them as I was to Jay.

But this particular story is about last year, the summer when we were 17. The summer when it happened. We were walking down the street and it was Friday, our special day we spent together every week.

"What are we doing tonight?" I asked falling into step with him. Jay grimaced and quickly turned away. I checked my breath, minty as usual so what was wrong? 

"Jay don't avoid my question!" I said in a motherly tone. After he didn't answer I stood in front of him with my hands on my hips tapping my foot impatiently.

He was still avoiding my gaze so I took his face and made him look at me. Then Jay's crystal blue eyes finally looked into mine. If I stared at him long enough I got whatever I wanted, it was my special gift. He finally broke and said

"Aunt Tracy wants me to baby-sit her demons uh I mean kids tonight! It's her anniversary and she wants to do something special!"

"HA! That's what you're freaking out about?"

"Do you not remember last time?!?!"

I did remember last time, it was like a zoo. Sarah, the baby would only cry and poop, 4 year old identical twin girls Jacky and Tracy only fought and last but certainly not least Chase. Chase back talked, didn't do his homework, and was a potty mouth. My evil eye didn't work on them but they did get along once though. Jay and I had fallen asleep because they had worn us out with cleaning and getting them to bed. That's when they emerged, when we were most vulnerable. Thank god they didn't do anything to me but Jay poor, poor, Jay. They had stole their mothers makeup and made Jay a drag queen. What's worse is that little Chase took pictures! He gave out a few copies to people but other than that he didn't do anything with them. Jay cringed having the same flashback and I smiled, good memories.

"We just need to be stricter and more alert this time." I reassured him.

"Fine" He agreed but I could still see the wheels in his head turning, thinking up excuses.

"See ya later" I called as we arrived at our houses.

"Be ready in half an hour" he glumly replied

"KK" I said running up my porch steps. I took one look back and sure enough Mrs. Giggleworth was on her porch swing staring intently at me sending shivers down my spine. Don't be misled by her last name either, she never laughs anymore. She just sits on her porch alone most of the day ever since I was 12. It's because of me and Jay that she's like that. It was Halloween and Jay and I thought we were too old for trick or treating (your never too old for trick or treating!) so we toilet papered her house instead. She never caught us though but she is suspicious of us so she keeps a very good eye on her property.

After I finished a nice hot shower I slipped on a white tee-shirt, black skinny jeans and put my wet blonde and pink hair into a bun. Comfy yet cute, and yeah I did write pink. When I was 15 I highlighted it for a dare and I love it so much I kept redying it. Jays car horn pulled me out of my thoughts, with an evil smile I grabbed a few things and stuffed them into my backpack. Mwuahahahaha I love bribing children, if they want something they turn into slaves for it.

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