Chap.10 He'll stay in my heart forever.

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Last chappie :(


I started crying and crying I didn't know I had so much tears but I kept crying. I was so thankful. His gun was empty and Rick was ok. The police arrived before he could load the gun. We went to court and they confessed. Not at first it took 3 months but they confessed to stalking him, stealing him in the night, knocking him out, driving him to where no one could hear his screams, finishing him off, and to where they buried him. Things would never go back to how they were but things did get better. Karen forgave me and went into therapy, my mom and dad were proud of me but mad that I didn't let them help, and Rick and me well let's just say we became a little more than friends. Most importantly the ones responsible are in prison now and Rick and I drove up to their house again.

"Are you sure you're ready to do this?" I asked Rick, he nodded

"Ready as I'll ever be."

We walked through the woods hand in hand following the trail into a clearing. I squeezed his hand a little harder when I saw it. The dirt was higher than in the other places and it was marked with the friendship bracelet that I made him. I let go of Rick and sat down next to the grave. It was then that I realized Jay wasn't in heaven yet wasn't in hell or in the ground. He was inside of us he was with me the whole time helping me get through it and he always would be forever and always.


Forever and Always is now officially over. Please tell me what you think and the dedication is for the girl above because she made the cover.

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