Chap.9 Our Interrogation

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When I went to check on my books today I almost had a heartattack. I'm on whats hot!!!!!!!!! Thank you guys so much for getting me this far I am eternally greatful. This chapter is a bit more actiony and its the second to the last chappie. Yes faithful readers Forever and Always is coming to an end. I love you all and hope you like this chappie.


We were sitting in A.J's living room that was covered with deer heads and old furniture. We sat on an old couch with our backs facing the kitchen.

"Would you guys like something to drink?" He asked nervously. He was sitting on the fireplace facing us so he could see all the glares we were giving him.

"Don't avoid the topic Alexander." A.J. cringed at hearing his full name. I decided to let Rick do all the talking because I was too mad.

"What do you guys know?"

"We know everything"


"Jay told us"

"That's impossible!" he scoffed "He's dead!"

I froze in my seat and my breathing stopped. A.J. looked like he regretted the words right when they came out of his mouth. I raised my fist in anger then Rick stopped me. I looked into his sorrowful eyes and knew we had to control ourselves and find out what happened.

"I meant he left us a note." Rick said softly after calming down.

I saw A.J. look up behind us and the corners of his mouth turn up a little. I quickly turned around, but not quick enough. Just as I saw who was behind us I felt something crash down on my head and everything turned black.

I slowly started to regain consciousness and began to stretch, but I couldn't. My hands were tied behind me. I opened my eyes and let them adjust to the dim light. I was in a cold, dark, wet basement in a chair beside Rick. They must of hit him too because he had a big bloody lump at the back of his head except mine was at the front. I tried to move but realized my legs were also tied together.

"Rick?" I asked "Please wake up I'm scared." I only whispered because I didn't want them to know I was awake. Finally after pleading he fluttered open his eyes and looked around.

"Where are we?" he mumbled

"I think were in A.J's basement."

"A.J!" He growled remembering what had happened

"Shhhh!" He laid his head on the back of the chair then winced in pain.

"I'm gonna kill him"

"I don't think we'll get the chance." I whispered "I'm sorry"

"What? Why?" He asked looking bewildered

"I'm so, so, sorry" I repeated looking down letting my tears fall on the floor.

"But you didn't do anything."

"Yes I did!" I snapped "I was the one who made him mad and I was the one who let him go!"

"If you remember right I was the one who didn't let you go after him." He sighed "but its not my fault either. It's their fault they were jealous and cruel!" he continued raising his voice "and thinking that it's your fault wont help at all so just stop!"

"but your mom she said-"

"She doesn't know what she's talking about! She fell off her rocker a loooonnnng time ago, you and I both know that!"

We sat there in silence for a long time. I was shocked partially because he yelled at me but mostly because I knew he was right. It was Jays decision to go and it was their decision to do what they did. If I had stopped him they would have just did it later. I was about to thank him but a door behind us opening prevented me from doing so.

"Finally you guys are awake." A.J. exclaimed walking around the chairs so he could see us. "I thought my dad whacked you guys to hard that you just you know kkkkkkkk" he said drawing a line across his neck with two fingers.

"Why did you kill him?" I asked choking on sobs

"I didn't, I did something else."

"But why?"

"Because of my sister" he said his face darkening. A.J's sister had ran into the street and got hit by a car when she was 5 years old due to a drunk driver. That driver was tall, he had crystal blue eyes, black short hair and he was drunk. He bore a very close resemblance to Jay, but he wasn't Jay, he was Jay's father. The little girl had ran out of a restaurant that day and into the street the driver didn't see her until it was too late and swerved into a telephone pole. Jay's father died right away but the little girl lived. She could never walk again.

"Jay didn't do that to her his dad did" I said finally

"I'm not stupid I know that, but I couldn't get revenge on his dad for ruining her life, only Jay, and I did." He said smiling brightly "I took him into this very room and sat him in that very chair and you'll die in the very same way, quick and painless because I'm a nice guy."

"You are not a nice guy, you are demented!" Rick screamed. Then A.J. smiled and went upstairs.

"I'll be right back" He called from the top step. I started freaking out I didn't want to die! I vainly started trying to yank my hands loose. I started kicking and squirming but nothing worked.

"What are we going to do" I sobbed.

"There's nothing we can do but pray" He said wide eyed. I closed my eyes and said a silent prayer that we would get out alive and that Jay isn't really dead, that it was some kind of sick joke.

I felt something against my ankle vibrate. I looked down to see what it was, when I remembered I put my phone in my shoe because I didn't have any pockets.

"If he comes down distract him I have a plan" I whispered smiling, Rick looked confused but smiled anyway. Teary eyed I looked up and thanked God. If I was going to do this I knew I had to act fast. I slipped off my shoe with the phone in the side of my sock. I had to painfully stretch my leg backwards. Closer, closer, closer, got it! I stole a glance at Rick and he looked amazed then I slipped my shoe back on before A.J. came back with a gun.

"You guys ready to die?" he asked tauntingly. I took this as my chance, the phone was still vibrating so I just opened it.

"Can you at least tell us where we are first?" I asked loudly

"Don't you know? You drove all the way here stupid girl!" Rick quickly said the address because he knew I had the phone open.

"You'll never get away with this!" I yelled at him, my eyes gleaming with rage.

"Well you're going to die and no one even knows your here" he said raising the gun at Rick. Rick cowered down with his arms covering his face. I saw his finger get closer and closer to the trigger then he was about to pull.

"No me first!" I yelled stalling. Rick opened his eyes

"No me!"

"No me"

"No Steph me"

"No Rick me!" Every time I said it I felt surer of myself, I would die for Rick because I love him.

"Enough!" A.J. yelled as he pointed the gun at me, apparently he thought I was more annoying with my screechy voice. I stared at him if he was going to kill me I wanted him to look me in the eyes. He looked like he was thinking it over, unsure of himself. Then he pointed it at Rick and pulled the trigger.



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