Chap.7 Cranky Jay

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Heres the chapter I promised ya'll, enjoy :D


“Come on Jay cheer up” Rick said. Jay was in a bad mood and needed a nap, but we were playing video games in the den instead.

“Jays just mad that I beat him” I joked but it just made him look angrier.

“You cheated, just like you cheated at babysitting you’re a cheater!” Jay had a really bad temper about stupid stuff but forgot it quickly most of the time.

“What are you five?” Rick asked sticking up for me.

“No, I’m sorry.” He growled at us before sitting between us on the brown leather couch. “I'm just out of my medication.” Jay had bipolar disorder and his meds helped him a lot.

We played a racing game for a while and I kept beating him. I couldn’t help that I was a little better at the game I’ve played for years, it also didn’t help that Rick kept congratulating me.

“I have to go for a drive.” He said after I beat him again. He grabbed the keys and walked out.

“Jay!” I started going to the door to stop him but Rick stopped me

“He just needs to calm down Steph.” He stated knowingly

“Ok” I agreed and then he let my arm go. He gave me a small smile and we continued playing our game. Rick was pretty good and after he got the hang of it he started beating me. Rick did a victory dance around the den.

“It’s my game I'm supposed to win” I pouted

“Stop acting like Jay” He joked “Speaking of Jay what time is it” he inquired momentarily pausing his victory dance.

“Umm…” I glanced at my wristwatch and immediately paled

“What is it?!?!”

“Its… uh.. um..” I stuttered trying to find my voice but he didn’t wait instead he grabbed my arm and also paled.

11:00? He left at, he left at”

“8:00.” I interrupted in a whisper. Rick stood there for a minute then grabbed his keys and phone.

“I’m gonna go find him”

“Calm down. Let’s try calling him first.”

“Ok” He sighed rubbing his temples. I snatched my phone off the couch and dialed the number I know by heart in record time. It didn’t ring at all just went strait to voicemail. Rick looked at me his eyes full of hope but I shook my head.

“Jay, were worried about you please call back as soon as you get this message.”  I said calmly before hanging up.

“I'm going with you” I said as he stood up. Rick just sighed and shook his head

“I need you to stay here and tell my mom what’s going on and make sure he’s not in the house.” I nodded and gave him a hug before he left.

“Mom? Karen?” I asked walking into the living room. They were sitting on the couch crying over the Titanic credits. I cleared my throat and they dried their eyes and looked up at me.

“Karen,” I started, sitting down next to her “Jay left and we don’t know where he is”

“Call him” she said like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

“We did and he didn’t answer.” I said holding her hand “He left three hours ago” her eyes got wide and she covered her mouth in shock.

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