Chap.5 The promise

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Hey guys sorry it took so long to upload, I've been busy with school and stuff. Anyway I hope ya'll enjoy this chapter and when your finished (or before you begin i dont care when) you should press all the buttons to the left <<<<<<<<< its really fun :)


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“Were here!” He announced.

“Yay!” I squealed looking around me. It was beautiful, it was wonderful, it was the park! In our minds we went back like 7 years, at the park we were kids again. Hand in hand we ran to 2 free swings, we would always go as high as we could and jump off. Higher higher higher when it reached its peak we jumped. I smiled from ear to ear as we soared through the sky. Time slowed down and my senses came alive. I looked into the clear blue sky, I heard birds singing, children laughing, and it just felt so right. Then I closed my eyes and anticipated the landing. I landed on my feet as usual and Jay landed on his butt a little further.

He smiled with childish delight and went to the swirly slide while I tackled the monkey bars. People stared at us but we didn’t care, we never cared what others thought.

“JAY I got all the way across!!!” I screamed at him.

“Good job Steph!” He screamed back at me. By that time we were the only ones left. We went back to the swings to watch the sunset.

“Time flies when you’re having fun huh?” I joked



“You remember that one time when-”

“Yeah I remember that” I interrupted

“Hey I didn’t even finish”

“Sorry” I giggled

“we were 10 years old” he continued, closing his eyes “and you wanted to ride a skate board?” he didn’t give me time to answer “so being the awesome friend I am I stole uh I mean borrowed my brothers skateboard without asking. Then we took it onto the sidewalk and both got on and held onto my dog’s leash.” He started smiling as he spoke “we started going pretty fast down hill and we were laughing then there was a stick. The skateboard stopped but we didn’t and we both ended up in the hospital with broken bones.”

“I remember that” I laughed

“We had to stay in there for weeks and we had nothing to do but talk to each other. Then when we were about to get out you gave me this bracelet” he said holding up his wrist. His wrist had a thin red piece of thread that had orange beads on it spelling out JayandSteph. “Remember what you said to me that day?” I squinted my eyes trying to remember but I gave up and shook my head “You said Jay Goodman will you promise me you will be my friend forever and I said forever and always Steph. We even pinkysweared to seal the deal.”

“I do remember that! I can’t believe you kept that bracelet!”

“I had promised you but you didn’t promise me. Can you promise me something?” He asked  fingering his friendship bracelet.

“Sure Jay”

“Can you promise me you’ll always be my best friend?” I nodded and we entwined pinkies.

“Of course Jay”

“Then this is for you.” He said opening a little black box revealing a charm bracelet

“But Jay that looks so expensive I can’t”

“You already promised” he said snapping it on my wrist before I could object.

“Thanks Jay” I smiled

“No problem just remember we sealed the deal!”

“Forever and always.” I whispered smiling and putting my arm around him


I hoped you like that sorry its so short but its more intimate so it makes up for it right???

remember to press all those buttons <<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<<< and comments will be greatly

apreciated have a nice night or day if your from somwhere else BYE!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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