Chap.6 Dinner

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Sorry this chapter is kinda short but the next one is longer :) <3 CGG


“Where have you guys been I was about to send out a search party!” My mom joked.

“The park” Jay answered. We were all having dinner together that night both of our moms, Jay’s older brother Rick, my dad, Jay and me. Our moms have been friends almost as long as Jay and I have, so Karen was like a second mother to me. I gave them both a kiss, washed my hands and started setting the table.

“How you doing Stephanie?” Rick asked

“Good how about you?” I asked smiling. Rick and I didn’t hang out very much so we were very formal towards each other.

“Fine, I heard you guys watched Aunt Tracy’s kids” He said cringing. I guess he had his own not so fun experiences with them.

“Actually I did most of the babysitting Jay was a little….. How should I say it? Tied up” Rick chuckled knowingly while Jay glared at me. “What?” I mouthed.

“Don’t roll your eyes dear it’s not polite.” Karen said catching Jays look. I smiled at Jay and sat down across from him.

“Thank you mother” I said sweetly when my mother gave me my food.

“Jay why don’t you say the prayer tonight?” We all bowed our heads

“Thank you god” he mumbled before shoveling food into his mouth. Everyone just sat there until Rick slapped the back of his head making him choke. Rick took over and said

“Dear Lord we give thanks for everyone here being alive and well, and bless this food and everyone here tonight amen.”

“Amen” we all said together

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