Chap.4 They Deserved It...Well The First One Did

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Sorry it took so long to upload my computer had a virus. Well anyway I decided when I get 10 votes on this chapter I will upload if not then I'll post it fri. First to comment get the dedication. Well anyway this is one of my favorite chappies. If you have any music suggestions then post them please. Have a good day ;)


It was the next day and even though he didn’t want to admit it he was still amazed at my bribing skills.

“It wasn’t fair!!! You brought Chases favorite video game and a DVD for the twins!” He whined to me.

“You didn’t say no bribing, it was fair and square and you know it!” I stated with a smile. “And last night you were so funny you have no idea” He rolled his eyes and ran his hand through his hair in frustration. I turned on the radio and he immediately went back to his happy self when he heard our favorite band paramore. We plastered loony grins on our faces and with our scratchy voices belted out

I'm sitting in a room made up of only big white walls

And in the hall, there are people looking through

The window in the door

They know exactly what we're here for

Don't look up, just let them think

There's no place else you'd rather be

We had arrived half way into the song but we finished it anyway. By that time a crowd had gathered, we had the car windows rolled down. Jay and I got out of the car and made our way into the clothing store and we didn’t have any money. We weren’t going to steal though, we were going to have fun.

When we got inside we exchanged an evil smile and went into the denim section after retrieving something from the costume section. We hid across from each other waiting for the perfect victim. We didn’t have to wait long either, pretty soon a cocky jock from school started browsing.

We had to wait until the perfect moment closer, closer, closer 5..4..3..2..1! We both jumped out in zombie masks screaming. The cocky jocks eyes got so huge and he fell backward onto his butt! Ripping off the mask I went to give Jay a high-five, then saw him holding a digital camera grinning from ear to ear.

“You took pictures?!?!” I squealed running to see the pics leaving the poor jock on the floor in shock. When he finally got up he stomped over and screamed

“Delete that picture right now!”

“Fine” Jay sighed, I looked at him in disbelief while he deleted it in front of the jock.

“Why did you do that? I wanted it for my scrapbook” I asked after the jock left.

“I made a copy before deleting the original.” he said smiling, I reflected his face before putting the mask back on.

“Let’s get back to work” I grinned evilly and dived back into the denim.

Over the next hour we made 3 more additions for my scrapbook. The only reason we stopped was because the 4th victim was a 10 year old girl and we made the poor little thing pee her pants. We got kicked out.

“We did good today.” I sighed while walking back to the car.

“Were not done yet.”

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