Chap.2 Babysitting the Blondies

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Please vote comment ect I really apreciate u guys taking time out of your busy lives for my story and the dedication is for her being my very first fan :) thx WickedGleek96


When we got to the house it was immaculate as usual. That woman was the only one who could control her kids, but that was about to change. I felt so confident until I saw them. The children were all tall with blonde hair and the same gray eyes that looked so scary! The three older children were all on the beige couch with their hands folded in their laps smiling a big fake smile. Their stone cold eyes followed their mother around waiting for her to leave so they could do who knows what. Jay and I exchanged a look. He wanted to run for the hills and I would have been right behind him if it hadn't been for Jays aunt Tracy. She looked so happy that we couldn't just leave her to spend her anniversary at home.

"Thank you guys so much for doing this! All the other sitters have quit on us but not you guys. This is just-"

"We'll be back around 10. Our numbers on the fridge, call us if you need anything." Jay's uncle interrupted.

"Don't worry your kids are in good hands, and feel free to stay out later." I pushed their grateful butts out the door while ignoring Jays glare of death.

"Show them whose boss Jay" I whispered nudging him towards the children.

"Ok..." He cleared his thought then said confidently "This time things are going to be different!"

Then the baby started crying, Chase started playing video games and the twins started pulling each others hair for no apparent reason. 'Everything's the same so far' I thought.

"Want some help?" I asked

"No I can do it they'll listen... Listen up kids!" he yelled "Chase do your homework!" No answer "Girls stop fighting!!" No answer "Baby stop crying!!!" *Baby crying* "Arghhh!" He was getting furious. "Listen up!!!" He yelled slapping the controller out of Chases hands.

"LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE!!!" Chase screamed, gesturing towards the 2 big red words on the tv, GAME OVER.

I would of stopped what was about to happen but a familiar voice kept running through my mind saying "No I can do this they'll listen..." so I just continued munching on my buttery popcorn, waiting for the show.

With an Indian war cry Chase pounced! Jays eyes popped out of his head! Oh look theirs one rolling across the floor! Oh wait that's just the twins jacks ball, my bad. Anyway back to the fight. The twins set aside their differences to help Chase. With their kickbutt karate moves they succeeded in tying Jay up and putting a rag in his mouth.

I put my feet up and sighed in contentment "Ahh my favorite comedy!" 'I'll let him suffer for a minute before I let him go. That will teach him to ask next time he needs help.' I thought evilly. After a few minutes I got pretty bored of watching Jay yell muffled words at me. I crouched down next to him and pulled the rag out so he could speak.

"What the heck is wrong with you?!?!" He yelled angrily.

"You said you didn't need my help."

"Just let me out!" He barked

"I will but first you have to admit it." I replied coolly

"Admit what?"

"Admit that I'm the goddess of babysitting, and while you're at it you can also admit that I'm the awesomest person in the entire world right above Ironman and way above you."

"Fine.YourthegoddessofbabysittingandtheawsomestpersonintheentireworldrightaboveIronmanandwayaboveme." he said quickly.

With a satisfied smirk I untied him and studied the room. Everything was back to how it was before Jay had interfered. 'Time to work my magic!' I thought.

"Sit!" I ordered Jay


"I'm going to school you with my awesome babysitting skills" He shrugged and sat down obviously doubting my skills. I picked up the baby and proceeded in calming her down. Once she was quiet I said

"Listen kids, things are going to be different this time."

"Why?" Tracy had momentarily stopped terrorizing her sister.

"Because if you're good you will get special privileges." I had finally got everyone's attention.

"What special privileges?" Chase asked eagerly.

"Well after last time I decided to come prepared." I chuckled gesturing towards my full purple and pink backpack. They all eyed it suspiciously until Jacky spoke up


"Well what?"

"Show us what's in it"

"No." I replied sitting by Jay with my bag in between us.

"Why not?!?!" Chase yelled, dying with curiosity.

"I don't think you 3 deserve it, just look at what you did to poor Jay!" All eyes turned to Jay who started wiping away fake tears.

"Were sorry!" Chase apologized for all of them. Jay faked anger then said

"You can do better than that! Get down on your knee's and tell me you love me!" I chuckled softly at Jay until they actually did it!

"We love you!" Me and Jay were rolling on the floor laughing!

"I guess they didn't get the joke!" I said in between giggles.

"Guess not!" He replied clutching his sides.

"Have you guys ever seen home alone?" I asked deciding to let them in on our little joke. It took a moment then a flash of realization passed their faces and they cracked a smile. We took a moment to catch our breath then I continued talking

"You will get rewarded when your homework is done." I said turning to Chase "and you two will get rewarded once the living room gets cleaned and you guys stop fighting. Got it?" They all nodded vigorously and left to earn their rewards.

Once they were out of earshot I turned to Jay.

"Wow!" was all he could say. I smiled triumphantly before skipping off to tend to the baby.

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