Chap.8 What Happens Next

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So so so so sorry for the late uploads. I have good reasons though... 1. School has been a pain. 2. I've been reading some really awesome books hehe 3. I've been writing a new book. So there's only like 2 chapters left... Sorry its a short story. Well after I post the last chapter of this I might post my new story and I'll upload faster cuz its summer. YAY HAPPY SUMMER EVERY1!!!!! So here it is, enjoy and remember 2 vote and comment.


The next hours passed in a blur. He wasn’t in the house, Rick couldn’t find him and the police wouldn’t let us file a report until a day after he left. We found his phone in his bedroom and his car in his garage. He had just vanished without a trace. It was like a bad dream that I wanted to wake up from but couldn’t. The next year passed in a blur too. I got good grades, I had a good job, but I didn’t have any friends. I couldn’t have any friends. No one could be Jay ever. No one could be my best friend only Jay forever and always. Now today I just decided to express my feelings that have been bottled up for a year because of Karen, Jay’s mother.

Before Jay’s disappearance she was my second mother. We could talk about anything and everything, but after it happened we grew apart. I reminded her too much of him and she pushed me away, she pushed everyone away, Rick included. Today though she came to visit mom and I just happened to be in the room. I said

“I wonder what he’s thinking right now.” I didn’t think she would hear but she did she revealed her feelings to me.

“HE’S NOT THINKING ANYTHING BECAUSE YOU KILLED HIM!!!” Those were her exact words. It is my fault though, it’s all my fault. I shouldn’t of listened to Rick I should of went after him. But I didn’t.


I wiped the tears off my eyes and stuffed the notebook in my bag. I didn’t feel any better, but it was worth a shot I guess. Jay always knew how to make me feel better. He would tell me jokes and take me out to ice-cream if he were here. Of course if he was here I wouldn’t be crying all the time and living a terrible life.

I took off my night gown and slipped on some skinny jeans, a black tee-shirt and my graffiti high tops. I glanced at the clock 9:20am Rick was coming around 1:00pm. I sighed and paced back and forth trying to make time go a little faster. I passed back and forth 5 times because my room was really small and looked back at the clock 9:21. I ran my hand through my hair in frustration. I needed something to pass the time so I flopped down on my bed and grabbed a book off my nightstand. It was the only book in the house that I hadn’t read, it was given to me by a friend but I wasn’t really into romance books. On the cover was a really preppy looking blonde standing next to a guy on a motorcycle. I sighed in defeat and opened it to the first page

“OMG that guy over there is so hot!” I screamed at my bff “and he totally just looked at me!” “I didn’t know you liked those kinds of guys” she replied. OMG she’s obviously trying to steal my man! I can see it in her eyes! I glared at her and she sent a confused look back. Oh she wants to play dumb does she?!?!  “You’re just jealous of me” “Why would I be jealous of you” she laughed back. No one laughs at me! NO ONE!  I angrily kneed her in the gut and pushed her back. Once she was on the floor I smirked at her she just looked at me confused at first then hurt then angry and then ran off. Then he looked at me with his chocolate brown eyes that made my heart jump then made his way to me. Then out of all the things I expected him to do he-

I slammed the book shut there was no way that I was going to read that book it was nonsense. Her hurting her friend for some guy she doesn’t even know? I mean come on that’s horrible! I got up and grabbed my favorite book off my bookshelf and plopped back down ready for a real book.

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