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🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻


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Panicking, your instincts led you to wherever your eyes were attracted. Specifically, you thought hiding behind a crowd was the perfect barricade for this gangster. You'd never think you'd choose that, over hanging out with some gangster. Then again, it is him.

Rindo Haitani, 17, a graduating senior and a devious delinquent. Who was he to you to feel this weird anyway? Not in a denial-of-a-school-crush weird. Never, that was absurdly disgusting. It was a I-hate-him-but-he-can-kick-my-ass-anytime weird. Kind of like feeling threatened. What were you compared to one of Roppongi's most powerful gangsters? If he could defeat buff dudes, how easy it would be to just make a wimp council secretary black out.

So, you were offering countless giggling gossiping girls in exchange for leaving you unharmed. Awesome and totally selfless of you, huh?

Rindo was approaching, you had to hide somewhere on the floor so he wouldn't see you. Mumbling to the girls you dropped something, you crouched down pretending to find something. You wouldn't want them to assume you were lesbian and were trying to look at their panties, would you?

You could see his shoes approaching your barricade of girls, stopping to look at the crowd of senior girls. Turns out, to talk with one of them.

"Hey, Akane-chan. Wanna-"

"Rindo-kun, did you or did you not steal my dad's watch?" The girl, Akane, frowned. The statement made the girls around her scowl, earning glares from the girls at the back. Rindo looked taken aback, but he composed himself like he wasn't bothered at all.

"No, of course not." He pouted, as if a child was guilt-tripping an adult. "Why would I do that?"

"Your brother is literally wearing it!" A girl from the back shouted, pointing at the said older brother. It earned more laser-like glares from the crowd, trying to stop yourself from laughing.

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