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Her head was raised at the statement, rushing over to the call of help. The source of sound was just inside the council room. She was so intrigued by helping, she nearly dropped all the countless school files and documents on her arms. It wasn't that she was a pick-me girl or anything like that, she simply aimed to be the perfect student.

"What's the commotion at the statue?" Y/N asked, wanting to assess the situation.

"The delinquents are sitting on it again." The sophomore frowned, accepting the files from her. "We'll have to put our entire budget on fixing the statue if they break it again-"

As soon as she said the word 'budget', Y/N ran outside down to the stairs. She was that intent on scolding them. It wasn't that she wanted to, she needed to. Other people would think people like her are such killjoys, but they weren't sacrificing their daily allowance for government funds instead of cafeteria food. So what say did they have?

She ran towards the entrance of the school, where the statue resided. Sometimes, new mischievous faces always sit on the statue, or old faces you get so used to seeing that you assume they're already the culprit of trouble. In this case, it's the latter.

Once she saw who they were, she partly regretted volunteering for scolding the people who occasionally sat on the statue. Because she really hated who it was.

"Huh? Oh, hey L/N!" Ran Haitani said, Roppongi's one of the most famous delinquents. "Want a sit with us?" He gestured beside him, along with his little brother, Rindo.

She smiled sarcastically at both of them, gesturing her thumb to get down. "Get down, please."

"Ooh, she said please." Rindo chuckles. "How cute."

"And you think sitting on the statue is cool?" She raised an eyebrow, obviously annoyed. "Get out, I bet your asses are hurting from the stone."

"Or else what?" He smugly boasted. "Detention? L/N, you're getting boring."

"I don't care if I'm getting boring to you Haitani, I care that you're sitting on a statue worth more than my life."

"Ouch," He said, gripping on his heart dramatically like he was actually hurt. "Brother, did you hear that?"

"Oh yeah. If anything, that's considered depression." Ran smiled, winking at her. "We might have to tell our mighty principal that."

She scoffed with a snarl on her face, frustrated to such lengths and only wanted to get it over with. "Why would you care if I have depression or not? Obviously, you're doing it out of spite. Get down from there, I might call the security guards at this point."

"And disturb their lunch break?" Rindo asked with a sad pout on his face. "L/N, you're more heartless than I thought."

She finally let a sign of vulnerability show; groaning out of frustration. This earned a fitting laugh from the two brothers.

"Teasing her is so much fun, ain't it?" Ran laughed, playing with his braids.

"Yeah, it is," Rindo chuckled, giving the statue a pat like it was a dog. When in actuality, it was a statue of Sadako just like the one in the Children's Peace Monument. "I think that's enough, she might actually call the guards on us. You know, heartless bitch stuff."

She rolled her eyes as she heard this, crossing her shoulders as if it didn't bother her. But really, it bothered her a lot. She always called the guard that finished eating first when she needed help anyway. So why was a delinquent's opinion important to her, out of all people?

"Indeed." Ran sighed, jumping down from the statue and walking past her. "Cya later, L/N-chan!"

Rindo had a smug smile on his face as he jumped down from the statue, walking across Y/N to observe her facial expressions. And she saw that she was close to tears. He scoffed, walking past her like she was a pathetic ghost. But..

It carried a weird feeling in his heart leaving her like that. 


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