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🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻

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🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻


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"No, you're telling me right here and right now!" Yuzuha exclaimed, a look of curiosity and eagerness on her face. "You're telling me that the person you supposedly hated until you were born walked you home without asking for any kind of payment?

"Technically, my umbrella was the form of payment!" You retorted, partially mad at the fact you let Rindo walk away with your umbrella. "So there! You don't have to know much else-"

Worst of all, it was your favorite one. What umbrella were you going to use? According to the shitbox news, it was going to snow like crazy tomorrow. You didn't want snowflakes all over you at all. It was such a hassle, since they ended up giving you abnormal shivers once they melted. Don't underestimate snowflakes is something you learned.

"Are you kidding me?? Someone you hated, walked you home. So yes, I do have to know that 'much else'. In other words, the full details. Everything."

Letting out a groan, the urge to throw anything at her was alarmingly high. "What demon has possessed me to do this?" You asked yourself, over exaggerating.

"Aren't you a demon yourself?" Yuzuha teased, wearing an ear-to-ear grin on her face. You glared at her, eliciting a grin from her.

Yuzuha was over at your room to make the paper flowers, the ridiculously big ones to decorate the archways with pops of color. Obviously, it was a big mistake inviting her and telling her about the incident.

But now that you were thinking more about how you gave your umbrella to Rindo, you were gradually regretting it.

He didn't like your guts. Always scolding him, being unable to have a good time and all. Thankfully, the feeling was mutual and has been reciprocated. Because he was an undisciplined delinquent that had nothing to do except fight the fuck out of people. He might as well break the umbrella into half and use it as a weapon.

An awful but daily part of your day was to be bullied by him. Even on the weekends.

There was this one time where he 'accidentally' tripped you over, causing countless of important school documents to fall on the floor. He gave you this smug grin, leaving you all alone on the floor and threatening to beat up anyone who would help you.

So, no one helped you.

Same thing happened with shopping for groceries on a weekend, you always had to wear a cap to make sure he couldn't notice you. Except that cap was a dead give-away and only made him tease you more whenever he saw you.

He would purposely get something you needed from a high shelf, and buy it for himself instead of helping you out. He would even slip some condoms in your cart, getting a dirty look from the cashier since you were still underaged. But you'd retort saying you didn't know how it got there, but the employees have been gossiping about a teenage girl always accidentally-on-purpose buying condoms.

He annoys you so often, it was a normal occurrence for you already. Sometimes, you get yourself taken aback when he's not bullying you. It left a mark on you. Because since then, you were always looking out for a blue and yellow streak of hair everywhere you go. You were practically like a vulnerable little sheep for him.

"I hate him, I hate him so much," You complained, burying yourself in your arms. "Besides, I never knew he was going to walk me home there. That isn't my fault-"

"Wait, what?" Yuzuha asked, aggressive like a predator. Or maybe an omnivore hunting for whatever little thing they could find that proved to be useful. "You didn't know, that he was walking you.. to your home?"

Glaring at her, you were feeling irritated as if you've heard a broken record repeating its cheesy chorus several times. When really, it was her first time saying that. Still though, you were sort of annoyed. At everything. "Yeah, Yuzuha, I didn't. So would you just drop it-"

"Y/N, you're making me worry here. How did this guy know where you live?"

You could feel your cheeks burning hot, hotter than the summer sun. Why did he know? Ohh, right. That night. You didn't tell Yuzuha about that night. But you weren't going to tell her that. Because you swore to yourself you wouldn't tell anyone. Never.

"We had a group project before. Nothing much."

"Okayyy, then why didn't I know about this?" Yuzuha raised an eyebrow. "If something like this happened, you would've told me."

"I just didn't think it was that big of a deal," You said, internally nervous that she might catch your lie. Ninety nine percent of the time, she always did. "Since he didn't even come."

Your fingers were practically trembling. She might say something like, "But anything that involves that Haitani guy is a big deal to you though?" She threw you a suspicious look, staring at each other's eyes for a while. Her brown eyes may be beautiful, but they were so intimidating too. Sort of like a lion's.

She shrugged, dropping the act on you. "Alright. But I still don't get why he was nice to you though."

"He just didn't want me to see their house, that's all," You chuckled nervously, continuing to fold the big paper flowers, the very reason Yuzuha was here. But then it got to you.

He could've just stolen the umbrella from you, leaving you alone cold in the rain. He has the guts to do that. He's not one of Roppongi's celebrity delinquents for nothing. But then again, maybe it was too pretentious to assume he could be that rude.

Maybe you were overthinking it? Maybe he was really telling the truth, that he didn't want you to see where he lives. It was understandable. But was that really it?

"Hello? Earth to Y/N?"

"Yeah?" You flinched your head up, withdrawing your attention from your thoughts. Could Rindo be really that distracting?

"Someone's here for ya."


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