𝟏𝟐 - ❝ON HER HEELS.❞

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🥴✍️📚 a u t h o r' s n o t e📚✍️🥴

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🥴✍️📚 a u t h o r' s n o t e📚✍️🥴

been thinking of having a sequel. BYE I'M NOT EVEN HALFWAY DONE

🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻


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Looking back down at the heels for a moment, you gave the junior a smile to pay for his compliment. Walking over to the gym, heels tapping on the smooth floor, you felt a little good. Great, even. It was the next day at school, the day of rehearsing with heels finally came.

Your little shopping session with Rindo Haitani turned out to be peaceful, he didn't even bully you for looking weird or whatever other insult he could come up with. In fact, he complimented you.

Remembering his words before dropping you home, he said, "You.. you look great."

It was a bit too much now that you remembered it, considering you were sole enemies. It was nothing like him at all! But you were thankful, your cheeks even bursting with heat as you verbalized your gratitude after he said it.

Opening the doors to the gym, you thought the heels on the girls looked fine. There were particularly tall red ones that caught your eye, the type to be worn by mature women in a workspace. You would think it'd be nice to wear them, but they'd probably kill the ends of your feet. Still, it would definitely be an experience.

Your eyes scan the room for your dance partner, Kakucho, but he was nowhere to be seen. Maybe he was late? But then again, he was always in the gym around this time, so that thought went away with little consideration. Maybe some fangirls were holding him back? But all the ones who actually had the capability of luring him for countless of hours were the seniors, and all of them were here.

"Y/N-chan!" Mrs. Tachibana called you in her usual cheery voice.

Your eyes then searched for her, seeing her by the stage with the record player. You walked over to her in a cinch, raising your eyebrow at her. "Yup?"

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