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🥴✍️📚 a u t h o r' s n o t e📚✍️🥴

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🥴✍️📚 a u t h o r' s n o t e📚✍️🥴

the amount of piano i listen to do this-

🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻


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You nodded, trying to get your mind off of him. Obviously, it wasn't working so well. So, you tried asking Mrs. Tachibana of things you could do to be busy with. Unfortunately, since you were a little bit later than you'd like to be, Mrs. Tachibana already did the necessary stuff. This made Rindo linger on your mind more, blaming him for being so late.

"Yup, definitely, of course-"

"Great!" Mrs. Tachibana said, nervous to say something. "Listen, I've forgotten the list of partner's names in the faculty. Could you-"

But before you could let her finish her sentence, you were already setting off outside the gym. "No problem, Tachibana-sensei!" You shouted. Seriously, anything to get your mind off of him, you'd do it.

But the very moment your foot set off the gym, you immediately regretted your decision. By the pillars near the gym, Rindo and his older brother Ran were bullying fellow juniors to send them off to errands, with what seemed like bringing them food and giving them cash. 

Although you wanted to avoid Rindo, you couldn't avoid the trouble he was causing. You could feel your hands growing hot and sweaty by the second, but you disregarded that anyway. So, you walked towards them to tell them off.

"Haitani, the both of you!" You shouted, giving them a dirty look. "Please leave them alone."

"Nah, they're pretty fun to play with if you ask me," Ran smirks, ignoring the junior he was talking to. "You should try it sometime, Y/N-chan."

"No, thank you," You said, gesturing your arm towards the gym door. "I recommend that you all go to dance practice now."

"Pfft, whatever," Rindo says, winking at you before leaving. "See you later, Little Miss Perfect."

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