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🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻

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🌻🌈🎉e n j o y🎉🌈🌻


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Looking around to assess who the remaining boys were left, now you knew it was truly hopeless. There is a reason why they don't have a girlfriend. All of them were obviously assholes. You've seen the majority of them pass through the principal's door for such explicit scandals.

Getting nervous by the second, you were hoping she would pick someone you like, or at least someone who was civil and polite. Definitely someone that's the opposite of Rindo Haitani. Now, why was he on your mind?

"Himeno-chan, you're with Aki-kun." Mrs. Tachibana said, gradually continuing to call names of seniors to partner with.

It was silent to you, as if you were in some deserted place. Her voice was silent to you, even any other voice or noise, you couldn't hear anything. Because you were absorbed in thought, nervous of who it could be. Seriously, what if they could infect you with something? Health-wise and habitual-wise?

So nervous that you didn't notice the person you hated the most, approach you. While failing to notice he sidled up to you, he wrapped an arm around your waist, his hand grazing your hip. He was surprised you didn't bother pulling away from him, looking at your face to see if you were sleeping or something.

When he saw you were spacing out, his mouth turned into a grin. He decided to take advantage of the moment, after all, what are bullies for?

"You like anyone here?" Rindo spoke, turning his head around to look at the remaining seniors. You flinched from the sudden intrusion of a deep, low voice that entered your space. Looking beside you, you realized it was him. The person you basically hated the most. With his arm around your waist.

"Haitani!" You silently exclaimed, pulling away from him. He muffled a laugh, his face basically overjoyed of being able to tease you. Successfully, at that.

"You're more fun to tease than I thought," He laughed, heads turning to see who was so full of mirth. Instincts kicking in, your hand covering his mouth in order to at least muffle the sounds. He was taken aback by the soft touch, his voice gradually failing to elicit any sound.

Turning left and right to see if Mrs. Tachibana heard anything; you thanked God she didn't. Glaring at the male, your hand subconsciously tightened its grip around his mouth. "What do you want?" You grumbled, a little frown on your lips.

"You," He winked, feeling him smirk against your palm. You groaned, pulling away your hand from his face as he laughed silently, not wanting a second of your palm. "Jesus, I didn't think Little Miss Perfect would break down from just a little teasing~"

"For your information, I certainly did not 'break down'," You frowned. "Seriously, Haitani, what is it? Can't you see I'm-"

"Busy spacing out?" He said, scoffing afterwards. "Yeah, right. Just wanted to annoy you, that's all."

Sighing out of frustration, you fiddled with the hem of your skirt, as it was sort of a stress reliever. "Look, you already annoyed me, okay? Please leave me alone."

He whistles in a low tone, an amused grin on his face. "Now that you've said that, of course I won't."

Looking at him, you could feel the frustration and annoyance bubble up inside you. It would've been so easy to just slap him in the face. But you wouldn't, because you obviously weren't that petty and you'd be defeated against him if you really did that.

So, you turned your head away from him and ignored him, using Mrs. Tachibana's voice as a distraction to your cruel reality. "I'm here because I don't want you as my partner, idiot."

You turned your head to him, questioning how him lingering around helped that. "I'm flattered; I don't want you as my partner too. But how is being here helping?"

"She'll think we're somewhat close, and maybe she'll assign another person to us."

"But the teachers already fill in the forms who they think we're not close with," You replied, confusion and annoyance washing over you. Could he be that dumb?

"Well, thanks to your scolding us twenty four-seven, they'd think we are," He rolled his eyes, running a hand through his hair, obviously bored.

It wasn't as proper as you'd like it to be, but still. Thinking about it, he had a somewhat pretty good idea. After all, his laughing could've been easily misinterpreted. You never expressed your hatred for Rindo to anyone at all, except maybe to Yuzuha.

"Just don't talk to me," You said, subtly agreeing with his idea. Despite how mean he sounded, it was a good chance not to dance with such an asshole. "If they think we're close because of my righteous scolding, you wouldn't have to be here-"

"It's just for good measure darling, don't overthink it."

Feeling your cheeks burning up, you looked away, pretending to eye other boys. When really, nobody took your interest. You just didn't want to be teased again.

But you still felt such an intense gaze.

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