"You don't have many friends, do you?"
Yasuo paused his writing. Out of all the terrible conversation starters he'd heard, this one took the cake. He didn't even know this boy who stood before him with a dopey expression, nor did he wish to.
Maybe if I ignore him, he'll go away, Yasuo thought to himself and continued his work.
But this did little to deter the teen who laughed and took the seat next to him. "Then you don't mind if I sit here, do ya'? 'Course not!"
Yasuo's brow twitched. Don't say anything. Ignore him.
"You got a name? Or I suppose I should introduce myself first," he continued, undeterred. "Saiba Joichiro, nice to meetcha!" The burgundy-haired male pointed to himself and grinned.
So he's the friendly type, Yasuo noted as he bunched up his shoulders, retreating. It was clear this kid wasn't going to get lost anytime soon, so perhaps he should say hello back? Sure he was loud, but perhaps he misjudged him?
"...(Surname). (Surname) Yasuo," he mumbled.
Joichiro heard him and lit up like a Christmas tree. "So you do talk!" Ugh, not the first time Yasuo had heard that. "In that case, I'll call ya' Yasuo! And you can call me Joichiro! Let's be good friends, yeah?"
What? Yasuo had never been on a first-name basis with anyone before. "Saiba-san—"
"'Joichiro'," he corrected.
Yasuo grimaced. "Um, I'm not really inter--"
"Joichiro!!" The two jumped when a booming voice shook the room. Sure enough, it was Dojima Gin, one of the top students in their year (and the loudest when he was yelling at Joichiro).
"Oop, that's my cue! See ya' later, Yasuo!" Joichiro waved and zipped out of the room, an aggravated Dojima on his tail.
That was weird. Yasuo sweat-dropped and looked at the empty seat next to him. He didn't know Joichiro well, but he could tell from their five minutes of interaction that he wanted nothing to do with him.
Hopefully it'd be the last he saw of him.
I can't believe the teacher made a seating chart, Yasuo slumped over and collapsed into his bed. After Dojima chased him out, Joichiro re-emerged from the opposite door and claimed his spot next to Yasuo, right before the teacher entered and declared their current seats permanent.
Can't I just graduate already? Maybe I can talk my parents into letting me attend a different school for high school. Yasuo scoffed at the idea. Yeah, right. His parents had always forced their rules and decisions onto him, and even though he never wanted to be a chef, being able to attend Tōtsuki Culinary Academy felt like a godsend. Even if it meant staying in this trashy dorm.
"A new member?! No way!"
Thundering footsteps pounded outside his room as his dormmates rushed downstairs. Yasuo groaned and wrapped his pillow around his head.
"This calls for a party! Everyone gather in the dining hall!!"
No no no! Yasuo huffed. There was no way he was going to a party. A party meant noise, and noise meant people, and people meant.... socializing.
He was perfectly content to stay in his dorm room. Besides, how long could the party last?
1:17 AM
Fumio is out of her mind. Yasuo hunched over and clutched his stomach. He was never a heavy eater, but he also hadn't eaten since lunch the day before. And judging from the sounds downstairs, the party was still in full-swing. Shouldn't Fumio have ended it by now?!

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)
Fanfiction{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets. "Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...