Chapter 41 - Stagiaire, Stage 2: Ristorante F

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(Name)'s POV

"Thank you for driving me, sir." I bowed and watched the same sleek, black Tōtsuki car drive off. It was a short drive to the next training site because it was also located in Tokyo.

As for stage two of my Stagiaire, I directed my sight towards the elegant restaurant before me, seems I got a fancy-schmancy place this time.

'Ristorante F'? I walked up to the door and knocked. I took the chance to review the information sheet while I waited.

Yup, a high-class restaurant. Italian. Owned by Mizuhara Fuyumi.

The paper crinkled in my hand. That Mizuhara?!

My question was answered as the door opened to reveal a petite and aloof woman. It was Chef Mizuhara from the training camp! She'd acted as a judge during the Shokugeki against Shinomiya, and I remembered her sharp words towards the chef and her strange sitting posture in the chair. I'd interacted with her scarcely in comparison to the other alumni, but from what I could tell she was a taciturn, no-nonsense chef.

"Homura (Name), welcome." She held open the door and granted me entrance. I took in the tasteful interior within, the design clearly refined.

"Thank you for granting me this opportunity, Mizuhara-senpai." I bowed politely, hoping to start on the right foot.

The woman looked me up and down, her neutral gaze doing little to reflect her opinion. "Yes. I specifically requested for you."

I was taken aback by this fact. She did? I could see Chef Inui doing so, but her?

She must've recognized my surprise and explained. "Yukihira Soma and Tadokoro Megumi were already taken, but Inui-san and others have advocated greatly for you. I wanted to ensure I received a chef with potential in these coming weeks."

I should've at least felt disappointed I was her second/third choice, but I was too thrilled to care. I get to train under a previous second seat! I pulled this fact somewhere out of the reserves of my mind.

And I'd much prefer her to Shinomiya or the like. I laughed inwardly, pitying the sucker that had to try and impress that prickly pear. Whoever got him, if anyone, I feel for ya'.

I bowed once again. "I'll do my best!"

Mizuhara brushed past me to walk towards the kitchen. "Don't expect me to go easy on you. In my kitchen, there is no room for mistakes." I followed after her like a puppy following its master. "If you mess up once, you'll be playing catch up the rest of the day. This will require your full attention at all times."

She was less quiet than I remembered but she wasn't talkative either, only saying what was needed. Her speech did little to intimidate me as I was still pumped with excitement. "Yes ma'am!"

She introduced me to her staff: Kato Luca, the sous chef; Sano Nami, the meat manager; Rizzo Mateo, the service manager; Kagura Yumi, the saucier; Rin Juurou, the entremetier; and Toro Kiku, the pantry chef.

So many people! Learning their names was one thing (thank goodness for name tags), but remembering their roles was another task. The hierarchy of the kitchen was nothing new to me, but the fancy names still tripped me up.

"You'll start as a roundsman. I don't want to waste time—I need to see what you can do." Mizuhara handed me a uniform and pointed towards the changing room.

The uniform was similar to that of the Aldini brothers, except the pants and trim were a navy blue, a match to the rest of the staff. I thought of the two and wondered how they were doing on their Stagiaires along with everyone else.

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