Chapter 12- I Killed a Chicken With My Bare Hands

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(Name)'s POV

"Yukihira Soma, is it?"

"Yeah, so?"

I heard a voice address Soma from behind me, but decided to ignore it. I greeted Kiyoko with a hug and she gladly returned it, though I could tell she was a bit nervous of the task ahead of us.

"Nervous, are you?" She nodded in response to my question and I chuckled before patting her shoulder.

"Aw, come on, Kiyo-chan! We've pulled through before, I'm sure we can do it again!"

"Ah, yes. You're probably right, (Name)-chan." She breathed in and out a sigh heavily before smiling again, this time more relaxed.

Behind us, Soma seemed to be engaging in a conversation with someone, though I hadn't checked who yet. Only some of their words registered in my mind as I talked to Kiyoko, such as, "I... crush.. you! ...Happy.. Soma."

Wait, crush?!

I whirled around to see what was happening, only to sweat-drop when I saw Draco Malfoy—I mean, some blonde dude stepping on Soma's shoe. I watched as he continuously twisted it onto Soma's poor phalanges, mercilessly crushing the appendages.


"Hey!" I said, walking over to the two. They both turned to look at me when I stopped and stared into the boy's blue eyes.

"Ah, Homura (Name), you put up quite a show on your first day with all your jokes and tricks. But don't worry, you don't interest me, I've got my eyes set on Som-" My eyes widened as he confirmed what I was about to ask.

"So you do have a crush on Soma-kun!" I pointed a finger accusingly and he pulled back in shock at my claim. He seemed disgusted by the suggestion, and so did Soma, both of them grimacing greatly at such an idea.

"What—No! What makes you say such a thing?!"

"Uhh, sorry, but I don't really like guys-"

"I don't have a crush on you!" He shouted at Soma, his cheeks red in embarrassment and anger.

And yet another blonde tsun is added to the list. What is that now, three?

"Okay, everyone!"

We paused and turned to face the instructor, who sat eating a bag of some sort of snack.

"I'll be sitting right here, so feel free to ask me any questions you might have."

She bit into her snack and gave us all a smile, before one of the male students said, "Excuse me, Chef Inui, but we haven't received any instructions yet."

"Oh, is that right? Let me see..." She stood up from her seat.

"Hmm, my task for you is... Use the ingredients here to make a dish that could serve as a main dish in Japanese cuisine." She gestured to an empty table and my face lit up at her words.

Japanese cuisine? My specialty, this'll be easy!

Murmurs filled the room as everyone stared at the table, and Kiyoko tilted her head in confusion.

"Ingredients? But... there's nothing here."

"Of course there is! We're in glorious nature, right next to a clear stream! There are ingredients galore!"


"We get to go outside!?" I exclaimed happily and she nodded at me with a smile. I cheered quietly as everyone else freaked out at the idea.

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now