(Name)'s POV
The day of camp finally arrived and I woke up feeling refreshed. My embarrassment from earlier seemed to have vanished as I rolled out of bed and hit the floor, like every morning. It was early in the day and the sun hadn't even risen yet, but the anticipation I felt for camp kept me excited and awake.
I put my uniform and quickly fixed my hair, before grabbing my already packed bag from the floor. I put on my necklace and glanced over the room once more, making sure I didn't forget anything.
I think that's it! To camp we go!
That's a lot of buses.
Inhabitants of Polar Star and I stood together in the parking lot, staring at the many rows of buses before us. Although it was a bit intimidating to others, I couldn't help but smile at the idea of my first bus ride.
"My stomach hurts." Megumi muttered nervously. I rubbed her back as she shook a little.
"I'm getting kind of jaded." A smile found its way on Soma's face as he tilted his head a bit.
"Wow, I've never actually been on a bus before!" I exclaimed.
Despite everyone else's concerned faces (well, I still can't tell with Shun), I cheered happily as if we were just going on an elementary school field trip.
Soma, seemingly pumped up by my outburst, held up his pamphlet as if he were a general commanding his troops forward.
"A'ight! Let's go! Off to the camp of friendship and team-building straight outta hell! Nothing's gonna surprise me anymore!"
Without further ado, we all loaded onto our bus and headed to the training camp. I bounced up and down in my seat happily, staring at the passing cars on the road. Images of what camp might looked like flashed in my mind and caused a mix of both apprehension and excitement.
The first few days of preparation I remained rather neutral on the subject of camp but now that the day's actually come, I found myself a lot more energized than I was beforehand. I tried to get everyone to sing 'The Wheels on the Bus' with me, but I guess people don't really do that on bus rides.
When we finally arrived at our camp, I couldn't help but deadpan at the result.
'Tōtsuki Resort Hotel'
"Th-this is our 'camp' site?"
"Guess this school isn't full of rich guys for nothing. They even run a big-as* hotel." Soma said honestly. I snorted.
"All the hotels and inns around here are part of Tōtsuki." I actually wasn't surprised by Shun's words, it seemed to make the most sense as to where students would often stay and such.
"Heh, doesn't surprise me."
"They manage a dozen or so accommodations as part of the Tōtsuki Resort brand, and graduates often end up working in the resorts' culinary division." Marui adjusted his glasses and they gleamed in the sun.
"I've heard it costs upwards of 80,000 yen per night at these places." Shun added and I choked on my own spit.
"Holy mother mayonnaise someone call a lawyer!" I burst out nonsense, overwhelmed by the news.
"That's like a month's rent!" Yuki and the other girls all freaked out dramatically.
Soma gave a strained smile, his eyes widened comically. "Doesn't surprise me!"

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)
Fanfiction{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets. "Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...