Chapter 6- We Have a Farm!?

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(Name)'s POV

"Be careful, (Name), you might hurt yourself!" My father warned seven-year old me as I chopped some vegetables. I was using a particularly sharper knife than I was used to.

"Don't worry, Father, I can do this!" I grinned, speeding up my pace. "Watch this!" I attempted to do a trick with the knife only for it to slip out of my hands and into the air. "Ah!"

"Watch out!" Before I could comprehend what happened, my father was behind me, safely catching the knife inches from hitting my face. I trembled nervously as he calmly placed it to the side. I turned to face him and looked down, waiting for him to yell at me. I was taken by surprise when his arms pulled me into a warm embrace.

"Don't scare me like that..." I stood still in his arms for a moment, still a bit shocked before I began tearing up.

"I—sorry, I didn't mean to..." I blubbered senselessly, clenching his shirt and burying my face into it. He soothingly pat my head to calm me.

"Shhh, it's okay. You're okay." Once I calmed down, he pulled back to look at me, placing both hands on my shoulders. "One day, I'm sure you'll be able to pull off that trick. So don't give up, okay? We all fail before we succeed."

Holding on to his every word, I nodded quickly and said, "I promise I won't let you down! I'll become the best cook around and make you the proudest Dad ever!"

He smiled warmly at me and ruffled my hair. "Good morning."

Wait, what?


"Wakey wakey, (Name)-chan!" I grunted and turned over in bed, pulling the covers over my head. "Can you come lend me a hand for a bit? Come out once your changed."

"Juh teh muh minut Mummmm..." I grumbled from under the sheets and ignoring the voice's protests. I poked my head out when I heard something from above move.

"Come on, sleepyhead." Isshiki whisper-yelled from his hole in the ceiling.

"How did you even get up there!?"


"Yukihira, Homura, you were woken up too?" Yuki asked as we exited the building.

I'd thrown on a plain shirt and pants, nothing fancy as we were just headed outside. The weather was a bit warmer this morning too, so I pulled my hair back the best I could under the sun's heat.

"I guess you were, too, Yoshino. So we're gonna help out with something?" Soma yawned, his hands in his hoodie pockets.

Yuki spoke with her arms behind her head. "We're going to harvest veggies from the back garden."

"Wow, this dorm is pretty cool. Home grown veggies too!" I lit up at the prospect of a garden.

Yuki laughed. "The road to good food is paved with good ingredients! That's our dorm's motto, you see."

I turned my attention to Shun who was cutting up a log with a chainsaw.

"Ibusaki makes smoke wood for his own use, and Ryoko, who specializes in dishes using rice malt, has her own workspace." Yuki informed us. We stopped beside a chicken coop full of screaming birds. "I want to breed a special Polar Star chicken like the French Bresse chicken, so I'm breeding some cage-free right now."

"Huh." I knelt down beside the coop and stuck a finger in, only for it to be pecked by a chicken.

"Yeowch!" Soma and Yuki laughed at my expense as I rubbed my finger in pain. I glared at the chicken guilty of pecking me.

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now