Chapter 51 - Frog Bread Friends

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(Name)'s POV

'May the Polar Star Shine Eternal: Celebration Party' read the makeshift banner that hung from the ceiling.

"Cheers!" We raised our cups, filled with soda and other varieties of drink. An assortment of food already lined the tables and waited for me, I mean, everyone to dig in.

Kiyoko was kind enough to fill me in on what happened. And I was not happy.

"You guys got to fight and power-hose delinquents without me?!" I cried, crushing an egg roll in my hand.

"Don't complain! You and Yukihira were too busy with your Shokugeki anyways," Yuki pointed out.

"Besides, you probably would've committed murder if we let you at them." Ryou's comment earned a nod from the twin-bunned girl, a rare moment of agreement between the two. They quickly realized this, however, and exchanged matching faces of disgust.

"We're sure your help would have benefited us here, (Name)-chan, but the Shokugeki was more important." Megumi walked up, paper cup in hand, oblivious to the two's distaste towards each another. "You should've seen Ryou-kun, though. He's quite skilled at throwing rocks!"

"It was crazy! Yanagawa was slinging rocks like a pro-sniper from the balcony! Where'd you even get a slingshot, huh? Did you know he was such a good shot?" Yuki pressed, a bit miffed by the whole scenario.

"Oh, I know." I answered automatically, in response to both questions. Ryou coughed, the both of us reminded of the scar on my leg, courtesy of the boy himself.

"You do?"

Fortunately for him, the girls were unable to question my words when the doors slammed open.

"Yukihira!" The name was enough to identify the fiery Italian and his younger, more mild-tempered twin.

"Here we go..." Kiyoko giggled as if her favorite show were about to start.

"I was watching your Shokugeki!" We watched as Takumi pointed directly at Soma, his loud voice projecting across the room.

"Takumi-kun's in his usual lecture mode." Ryoko noted.

Lecture mode? I gulped, sliding behind Kiyoko ever-so-slightly. Sorry Soma, you're on your own.

"Nag, nag, nag, nag, nag--hm." Takumi's vehement scolding was cut short as he suddenly ended on a calm grunt. That was weird.

"Oh?" Yuki tilted her head

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"Oh?" Yuki tilted her head. "You're not mad?"

Ryoko mimicked the gesture. "No lectures?"

"He had no choice." Takumi reasoned, understanding etched across his features. "Your home was under threat. Even I would've done the same."

Woah, no lectures? So it's safe then!

"Takumi-kun." I greeted, stepping out from behind Kiyoko. I'd kinda hid when he entered for fear of being lectured. At least I knew he wouldn't lecture me now.

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)Where stories live. Discover now