The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets.
"Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...
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I snickered as I sent the image of the absolute unit to Ryou, a gift for him to wake up to in the morning. He hates when I sent him memes, but he especially hates when I messaged him in the dead of the night. In my defense, however, he deserved it after the long lecture he subjected me to the day prior.
I'd called because I needed to flex my new chicken-cutting skills, but to do that I had to challenge him to a Shokugeki first; one thing led to another, and we ended up chatting about whatever.
"Homura!" Ryou snapped when I didn't answer him.
"Huh?!" I flinched, squeezing Count McChonkster. True to his word, Soma took the responsibility of washing him in one of the train's washing machines, and he did an impressive job of it too. There was no green bean stain, and he smelled like lavender. It was nice having him clean, but I kinda liked the garlic smell before. Mmm, garlic... garlic bread...
Ryou sighed. "...you were thinking about garlic bread again, weren't you?" He knew me too well.
"We should make garlic frog bread next time," I suggested.
And to my delight, Ryou agreed. "Yeah, we should." Then he paused as if he got an idea. "We should make it pull-apart bread."
I gasped. "You and your beautiful mind."
"And don't you forget it." He didn't even hesitate.
"Pfft." I could almost imagine his deadpan expression as he said this, for he said it all too seriously. I honestly couldn't tell if he was joking. Does he even know how to joke?
"Fine, we'll make it as soon as we get back to the dorm," he said in resignation, failing to hide his own eagerness, "so don't you dare think about making any without me!"
"Aww, are ya' scared I'm gonna find myself a new frog-bread-friend?"
He huffed in response to my teasing, then muttered under his breath, "More like they'll find you."
"Wuzzat mean?" I karate-chopped Count McChonkster to see his belly fold inwards, then smoothed him back to normal in apology.
Is he jealous? This was new. Ryou had exhibited jealousy over Hibiki and Kiyoko before, but widdle-ol'-me? It was a good thing this wasn't a video call because I was currently grinning like an idiot.
There was a long pause before he spoke again, and nothing could've prepared me for what came next.
"No boyfriend," he said with finality.
"What?" I sat upright, feeling my breath hitch at the command(?). This came out of nowhere! "Are you talking about yourself? Because we both know Hibi-kun is single--"