A picture of what Seichōmura looks like. The Homura restaurant is in the middle to the left. ^
(Name)'s POV
"(Name)-nee! Can you come play with me and Shuu?"
"Sorry Miu-chan, but I'm busy preparing for the festival right now." I smiled apologetically at the girl as a disappointed and glum look took over her face. "Next time, okay?"
"You said that last time!" Shuu huffed from beside her, stomping his foot on the ground. "And besides, isn't the festival in like, two weeks? You've got plenty of time!"
"Chill, Shuu, you say that like it's a lot of time; it's hardly enough! If I'm going to win this festival," and cLOBBER RYOU, "I need to give it my absolute best! These festivals aren't easy, y'know."
Shuu merely squinted at this, his arms crossed firmly across his chest, before turning on his heel and letting out a 'hmph!'.
"Fine! We'll go have fun without you! C'mon, Miu!" He ran out the doors of the restaurant and said girl waved at me sadly before following after.
"Bye bye, (Name)-nee..."
"Later, Miu-chan."
...I am a monster.
"That's the fourth time you've turned them down this week."
Hibiki instinctively dodged the ladle that would have otherwise hit his face, and I lowered my arm as I realized what I had almost just done.
"Ack! Sorry, man."
He shook his head at this and laughed lightly.
"My fault, again. But you gotta admit," he leaned one arm against the other side of the counter from where he was standing and smirked playfully, "my reflexes are getting better."
"....I literally struck you in the gut not even a week ago."
"...Okay, so I'm not a fighter—"
"-Your eye certainly proves that." I snickered lightly, referencing to his right eye which was currently a not-so-attractive bluish-black.
"Then again, you also hooked Yanagawa in the face as well, so I'll give you some credit."
I laughed again and lightly brushed my fingers across his bruised eye, smiling apologetically when he winced slightly in pain.
"You didn't have to do that, y'know." My mouth morphed into a frown at this and my voice grew lighter in guilt at what had happened.
"D-Don't apologize!" Hibiki straightened up suddenly, only to flinch and cradle his eye as it had accidentally rubbed against my outstretched hand.
"S-Sorry! Let me get some ice!"
I quickly ran and grabbed an ice pack from the freezer, wrapping it in a towel and handing it to the injured male who took it gratefully.
"That better?"
"Y-Yeah, thanks..." He smiled softly as he held the pack over his face. "As I was saying, you don't have to apologize. It was my decision to... act as I did, and I do not regret doing it."
"Hibiki-kun..." I whispered, my brows knitting together. "I would've clobbered him myself, y'know, and he would've passed out as well."
"Are you saying you're stronger than me?"

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)
Fanfiction{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets. "Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...