It was an early morning back in Seichōmura when Hibiki was the first person to wake. The sun was barely peeking over the hills, signaling the start of another work day on the farm.
Time to start the day...
Rubbing his eyes in an attempt to rid himself of his morning grogginess, the male climbed out of bed and searched his drawers for a clean set of clothes.
He pulled out a pair of dark brown knickerbockers and put them on before slipping on a garnet-red undershirt, which he then covered with a white collared button-up. Pulling a pair of capri suspenders over his shoulders, he slipped on his matching red work-gloves and socks. A pair of brown work boots were then laced over his feet and as a final touch, he grabbed his plaid mahogany hat and put it on.
The boy was careful not to wake his family as he exited the house and headed to the barn. When he arrived at said place, he flicked on the lights to see the animals already awake and bustling. A few nearby cows and sheep ran up to greet him as they sniffed his pockets for treats.
"Good morning!" He laughed and quickly set to work.
It took about an hour and a half for Hibiki to brush, milk, and tend to all the animals in the barn. By the time he was done, the sun was already up and shining down on the Akiyama farm.
He herded them outside to graze and headed to the chicken coop.
"Good morning! How many eggs have you laid today?" He greeted the chickens who just ran past him out the doors, obviously eager to escape the confined space.
The boy chuckled to himself and began to collect the eggs. Counting twelve eggs total, he grinned and exited the coop, a basket full of eggs in hand.
As he was walking back inside to clean the eggs, he was stopped by his mother who stared at him from the doorway, a surprised look on her face.
"You're up early." She attempted to take the basket from his hands but he rejected her offer, claiming he could do it himself and that she should rest.
"Yeah, I just decided to take an early start 'cause, why not?"
Hibiki's mother shook her head and chuckled lightly before a strange smile took over her face.
"Well, I'm surprised you're here working instead of over there at the Homura restaurant."
"What? Why would I be there?"
"I just got a call from Natsumi-san." The woman approached her son and placed a hand over his, gripping the handle of the basket.
"(Name) is back."
(Name)'s POV
"(Name), over here!"
I was greeted by my family as I stepped off of the train, and they quickly rushed forward to hug and help me with my bags.
"How was your trip? We're so glad you're back!"
My mother seized my luggage and handed it to my father who calmly accepted it without a word.
"You must be tired! We have a carriage that'll take us back."
"Mom..." I groaned playfully as she squeezed the living daylights out of me.
"Sorry, sorry!"
She released her vice grip on me and stepped back as Shuu ran forward for a hug.
"Hey, Shuu!"
I blinked as he ran past my open arms to stand behind me, before forming his tiny hand into a karate chop and chopping it into the back of my knees.

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)
Fanfiction{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets. "Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...