(Name)'s POV
I swear, this school's campus is even bigger than my entire village!
Soma and I were now starting our long trek to the school dormitory we'd be staying at. I believe it was called the Polar Star Dorm...?
"Da*n... What's with this school?!" I heard Soma mutter beside me. "It's ridiculously huge!" He shouted, pretty much mouthing my thoughts.
He looked down at the map in his hands that held the directions to the dorm. "When are we gonna reach Polar Star Dormitory?" I sighed and popped my neck, rolling out my shoulders. I saw Soma slightly wince at the popping crack but he ignored it. "The sun's about to set." He said.
"Then we better hurry!" I said, ignoring the painful screams of my legs. Soma continued to complain beside me.
"I'm so tired... To top it off, I'm freezing! I'm so hungry that the squid's not cutting it anymore..." Speaking of which, Soma had kindly offered me some squid too which I was currently chewing.
He looked to the side at buildings behind the trees. "Still... I gotta say, there's a bunch of important-looking buildings everywhere. Some, I have no idea what they're for, but... I guess this is a rich school. I bet their facilities are all top-notch."
I swallowed the squid as Soma continued to talk, more to himself than me. "Oh, maybe the dorm's pretty swanky, too. Maybe I can have high expectations..."
I perked up at this as I pictured what the dorm would look like. How do rich, fancy people live? I bet they have talking toilets... that play music!
"Knowing this school, our dorm will probably be like a castle!"
Soma and I stood, staring at our new dormitory. It was big, like I imagined, but it looked run down and old with the ivy growing everywhere and the crows cawing loudly.
Is this really our dorm?!
"Seriously?" Soma and I muttered in unison.
Maybe it's just the outside, don't judge a book by its cover!
The door creaked as Soma opened and entered, me following suit. "Hello?" Soma called out into the dark corridor.
"Yo, anyone home?" I shouted louder, hoping for a response. I glanced around and frowned at the slightly creepy feeling the place gave. Suddenly, black smoke began to pour into the room from the upstairs.
"Smoke..." Soma said. "Is there a fire?!" I gasped at the suggestion as I tried to wave away some of the smoke. Just then, there was a huge crash and the room began to shake violently. "A-An earthquake?"
I gulped and slightly inched towards Soma in fear. The surprises didn't stop as a horde of animals suddenly came trampling through the room.
"Usako! Kamosuke! Shikanoshin!" We heard a female voice shout. "No! Don't leave me!"
"W-Wha-" I uttered as a loud voice cut me off.
"Hey, Room 116!" A nearby speaker blared. "Don't you dare let game animals into your room! If you do it again, I'll flay you alive!"
"Sorry!" She screamed as she continued to chase after the herd down the hallway. I looked to Soma for guidance but he only shrugged in response. The loud voice didn't stop there.
"And Room 208! You turned an empty room into a smoker without permission again, didn't you?! Want me to string you up above some smoke chips?!"
"Yes, yes. I'm deeply sorry." I heard a calm voice mutter from upstairs.

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)
Fanfiction{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets. "Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...