"Isshiki-senpai, we're back!"
The upperclassman jumped at the sight of his friends approaching from the distance and with much enthusiasm, responded and waved, "Welcome back, everyone! You all survived camp from hell. Good job... eh?"
Isshiki sweat-dropped when a burly and manly Soma flexed his bare muscles dramatically, speaking in a deep tone octaves lower from his usual voice, "We're... back..."
"Soma-kun?! You look... so much manlier!" Isshiki couldn't believe his eyes at the transformation the freshman had taken after only a week at camp. "The tasks must've been very challenging!"
He then turned to where the rest of the gang stood and was shocked to find them looking like... well, a gang!
The previously innocent and sweet Megumi now had a delinquent look to her with a skull hair clip in place, a long black uniform, and a mean glare to her eyes, and she scowled as she chewed on a piece of gum. "Chew, chew, chew..." she muttered, stretching the chain whip in her hands.
"Tadokoro-chan?!" Isshiki gasped. "Is that really you?!
"You're all kind of rough around the edges!" he exclaimed, referring to the others.
They wore full body trench coats of a different color each, posing in gangster poses behind Megumi. Shoji and Daigo both smirked from their crouching positions to his right while Yuki and Ryoko both held matching glares to send at Isshiki himself.
"Shut up!" Megumi ordered brutally, spinning her chain whip. Isshiki flinched back in surprise at the gesture as Yuki began to pop her knuckles.
The twin bun-headed girl laughed evilly. "Geheheheh! Boss! Let's beat him up!"
"Yeah!" Shoji and Daigo both agreed in unison.
Ryoko, who was previously looking to the side, turned her head to reveal a face full of mafia-like makeup and an unamused stare. "Quit being rude to your seniors," she said, unimpressed. Her pupils then shrunk maddeningly and her tone dropped to a threatening whisper, "I won't allow it!"
Backing away from the rowdy group of teens, Isshiki bumped into a smaller figure who let out an 'oof' of surprise. He turned hesitantly, scared at what he was to find, only to relax at the sight of a normal-looking (Name). But something was off about her, her eyes seemed glassy–almost empty—like that of a doll's or a dead person's.
"(Name)-chan! Are you okay? Why are the others acting so weird?" He asked and she turned her head to face him. Once again, he was met with those lifeless looking eyes which seemed to look through him rather than at him. She didn't respond and he waited a few seconds before hesitantly asking again, "Did you hear me? Are you oka-"
"-Time is just an illusion fabricated by mankind slowly ticking away the seconds marked to our inevitable and predetermined death in this chaotic and destructive universe we partake in existence with." She muttered in one breath. She stared ominously at Isshiki, unblinking and seemingly dead inside, and the male wisely decided to distance himself from her lifeless form.
What happened to the lively and joking (Name) he was used to? Was camp really so brutal so as to suck the life out of its participants?
He was unable to ponder this thought for more than a few seconds before laying eyes on a grimy and practically nude Shun, if it weren't for the immense amounts of hair growing that covered him.
"Ibusaki-kun, your signature charming hairstyle's been ruined," Isshiki pointed out carefully.
"Scruff," was the only response he got from the male.
Isshiki gasped as a certain realization hit him. He looked around worriedly before asking, "Come to think of it, where's Marui-kun? I can't seem to find him."

A Spice in Life (Shokugeki no Soma x Fem!Reader)
Fanfic{WARNING: MAY CONTAIN FOOD PUNS} ...Man. The sun's starting to set, and all I've got to my name is pocket change and a bag of soggy chicken nuggets. "Hey," I turned to the boy next to me, with hair spikier than Kn*ckles the Echidna. "'Jello'! It's v...