Jean's Birthday

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Today was a special day in Mondstadt, it was the acting grandmaster Jean's birthday. Everyone in the city was wishing her a happy birthday, even the knights took away her workload and forced her to relax for the day. Jean was opposed to the idea but they all ignored her protests.

Having nothing else to do, she decided to take a walk around Mondstadt, people wishing her a happy birthday back and forth, receiving small presents from everyone. While she appreciated this, she felt like it was a bit too much for her.

"Oh Jean, there you are!" calls out a familiar voice.

Jean turns around and sees Lisa waving at her with a heartwarming smile.

"Happy birthday!"

Jean returns the smile and thanks her.

Lisa joins Jean's walk around the city as they talk about the usual everyday things, while all the bystanders know what's up.

"Ah, sorry I didn't have anything to give you today as a present, I know it would make you uncomfortable if I did give you something," Lisa says.

Suddenly shocked from the sudden statement, Jean stops and looks at Lisa,

"Oh no, it's perfectly fine! I never expected I'd receive all these gifts anyway," She replied as she waves her hand back and forth.

"But... I was going to compensate for it by taking you out on a date, and looks like we already are on one!" Lisa exclaims as she clasps her hands together.

"Haha, we are?" Jean laughs with a slight blush on her face, feeling bubbly on the inside from Lisa's sudden announcement.

"Yes, we are darling,"

"Is there anything else you want to do?" Lisa asked.

"Well, maybe... stargazing at Starsnatch Cliff? It's something I've always wanted to do with someone for a while now,"

"If that's ok with you that is."

Lisa looks at Jean with a smile and says, "Of course- in fact, I'd love to."

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