They never got to tell each other

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It was like time stopped for Jean.

There she was, laying almost breathless in her arms.

All the times she spent with Lisa, the smiles, laughs, tears, it was all about to come to an end.

"I'm glad I got to spend my last moments with you, Jean." Lisa says with a smile as she places her bloodied palm on Jean's face.

It was the same smile she first fell in love with.

"You're really not leaving, right?" Jean asked as she held tightly onto Lisa.

Her arm suddenly dropped as she closed her eyes for a long afternoon nap.

Jean waited a while, hoping for that memorable voice to respond with something, anything.
Tears flowed from her tired eyes, "I never got to tell you how much I loved you,"

"All your teasing, the breakfasts we had together, the coffee breaks, the daily patrols around the city, the time when you electrocuted those drunks, I cherished those moments with all my heart..." Jean cried as she embraced the lifeless body.

Lisa, too, never got to tell Jean how much she meant to her.

a/n: hi this is my first angst oneshot heh- this was inspired by one of the lines in the song lol, also dw the next chapter will be a happy chapter i'm just working on it asksjsjak

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