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The Reconnaissance Company had found a new ancient ruin site near the outskirts of Mondstadt, and while the company or the Adventurers Guild would usually explore the site and hand in a report, Jean had requested to go explore it herself alongside Lisa.

The ruins were old, and were falling apart. Just one wrong move or a slight jump would make the whole thing crumble down. There were cobwebs, moss, insects and dust everywhere. It was cold and damp on the inside, not an ideal date spot overall. However, Jean brought Lisa along anyway because she knew there were going to be lots of ancient artifacts, statues and books that Lisa would surely be interested in.

Surely enough, once they both got to the site, Lisa was in awe of all the artifacts, books, and statues there. Even the way the building was constructed amazed her.

"Don't you think this is just the perfect date spot for the both of us?" Lisa asked while lighting up the small lamps hanging around with electro, giving the room a slight purple hue.

"It feels quite romantic here."

"Date? Spot? Here...??" Jean was quite shocked, she knew Lisa would love it here (Sumeru Academia's most distinguished graduate in 200 years smh), but a date spot? Why would anyone go on a date in this damp and dusty ancient ruin??

"Lisa, this is an ancient historical site, not a date spot."

"Haha, I was just teasing."

"Sure you were, I'll treat you to Good Hunters later after we get back."




There were many different kinds of old statues in the ruins, they were all shaped weirdly in either the form of an animal or a human, sometimes even being some sort of weird abstract shape. Who knew what they were trying to represent, but Lisa took a great interest in the statues and started putting a few in her bag to study them more closely once they got back.

As Lisa was going through all the statues that were lined up on the floor in the ruins, she finally came across one that caught her eye the most. She was mesmerized by the shape of it and the question of what this was trying to represent. She was entranced by the raw beauty of this statue. It was skillfully sculpted, still very smooth and was not eroding or breaking apart like the other statues. Whoever sculpted this truly was a great artist back then, Lisa thought.

Jean noticed Lisa staring and studying that statue intently, so deep in focus she found it somewhat cute. "That one must be your favourite one so far, huh?" She said as she walked up to Lisa.

"Hm?" Lisa stared up at Jean blankly, not realizing that Jean was even there because she was so focused on the statue.

"Ah, Jean! Sorry, didn't see you there,"

"But just look at how beautiful this statue is!" She continued, as she passed the statue to Jean carefully.

Jean was slightly confused at its shape, since Lisa had said the same thing about the past two hundred statues they had just looked at.

"The beauty of this statue reminds me of you, you know?" Lisa said with a smile.

Jean blushed at her comment, replying with a simple thanks.

"Also, do you mind carrying this with you? My bag is uh, full..."




As they were walking back to Mondstadt with their heavy bags full of stuff from the ruins to research, that one statue that Lisa was so mesmerized by suddenly popped into Jean's mind.

It looked so familiar to her, but just from where had she seen it from? The shape of it really reminded her of one of the things Klee had made her see before... But just what was it? Jean kept thinking about it until right before they had reached the city gates, she finally remembered what it was.

The statue looked very similar to that thing!

"Lisa, don't you think that the statue you liked so much looked like those things Klee had shown us from way back?" Jean asked.

Lisa was a bit confused by what Jean had just said, but after a while of thinking, she finally remembered what Jean was talking about.

"Oh yes! It looked like those 'amogus' things Klee had shown us a while back."

"Right? Hah, who knew those things existed way back then. I thought it was just Klee's carefree imagination-"

Sudden realization had hit Jean that Lisa had just said she reminds her of an amogus.

Sudden realization had hit Jean that Lisa had just said she reminds her of an amogus

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a/n: shit chapter bc idk what to write anymore rip 

also how would u guys feel if just one day i wrote smut i need honest opinions on this one pls  thx

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