Megamind forehead strategy

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Jean and Lisa decided to go on an afternoon stack to Windrise. It was fairly calm and relaxing, until they spotted a hilichurl camp.

The camp was flooded with hilihcurls, metachurls, shamachurls and whatever.

"Do you think we can take them all by ourselves?", Lisa asked worryingly. "There's a lot of them, maybe we should go back and ask for reinforcements-"

"No need.", Jean interrupted.

"But Jean, that's a whole family of hilichurls- Even if we can take them down ourselves, it'd be better if we asked for some help.", both Lisa and Jean were already very strong, but to go against a huge hoard of hilichurls like that? Sure, they'd make it out alive, but they'd be quite exhausted after.

"Don't worry, I've got a big megamind forehead plan all worked out.", Jean reassured Lisa.

"Oh? Care to enlighten me?"

"Basically, you'll apply electro to them with your charged attacks or Violet Arcs, which will also add conductive stacks onto them."

"Then, I'll swirl them with Gale Blade, which will trigger my Viridescent Venerer four-piece effect."

"Oh! And that four-piece effect will decrease the enemy's resistance to electro by 40%", Lisa said, grabbing a hold onto Jean's plan.

"Then, I'll use Gale Blade again, to crowd control them together. After that, you'll strike them all down with Violet Arc's hold skill, which will wipe them out all in one go.", Jean continued.

"How does that sound...?"

"Sounds great, and estimating Violet Arc's hold skill damage... The hilichurls will have a -30% resistance to electro, and my conductive stack 3 damage at level 12 is 974.4% which means...", Lisa was invested in Jean's plan and started calculating her approximate damage output, only to be slightly startled at the results.

"The damage output would be 23,815. If I don't crit that is.", Lisa said, winking.




Jean and Lisa quickly took their plan into action, swiftly wiping out the whole hilichurl camp with ease.

"Phew, that was quick", Jean said, wiping the sweat off her forehead. "We sure do make a great team.", she said smiling, as she walked up to Lisa and gave her a head rub.

"Haha, we sure do."


a/n: supposed to be a crack chapter with meta slave thinking - even whipped out my calculator for this but i apologize if there's any wrong calculations or game mechanics

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