Birthday bouquet

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It was Jean's birthday today. She was planning on celebrating her birthday with Lisa, but she had important things to take care of and ended up having to make an urgent business trip to Sumeru. Lisa promised Jean that she'd make up for it but Jean still couldn't help but feel a bit lonely. She was a bit jealous of the couples that would go on dates, or do something special together on their birthdays. Well, it didn't matter that much because she could always just immerse herself in piles of paperwork to keep herself busy and not feel lonely about not spending her birthday with Lisa.

That is, if the knights hadn't taken away her workload.

With nothing else to do, she just sat there, in her office, daydreaming.

Daydreaming about what she wanted to do with Lisa on her birthday. Going on a quick trip to Liyue to try some of the local cuisine, sharing a few drinks at Angel's Share, or spending the night in a cozy cottage somewhere in the woods. Jean was so immersed in her daydreams she didn't even realize someone was knocking on her door.

"Acting grandmaster Jean?" asked the voice behind the door.

"Oh! Who is it?" Jean quickly noticed and snapped out of her daydreams.

"Uh, I have a delivery for you.. From Lisa?" the voice responded.

Jean got excited and quickly got out of her chair to open the door.

"Thank you for the delivery."




It was a bouquet of roses that smelled just like the perfume Lisa uses everyday. Oh, how she missed her so much. Jean made space on her desk to put down the roses, until she found a folded piece of paper neatly tucked in the bouquet. She took out the folded piece of paper and carefully opened it. The paper was a handwritten note from Lisa that she wrote the day before she left.

"Dear Jean,

Happy birthday, darling.

I'm so sorry I wasn't able to spend time with you today. I truly did want to spend time with you on your birthday, and... you know. I really miss you. Anyways, I hope these roses got to you safely and somewhat reminded you of me. Promise to come back soon! Love you!


Jean was extremely touched by the gesture and held the note close to her chest. As she looked down to see the note again, she quickly noticed extremely small writing on the bottom left corner of the paper.

"Flip for nudes"

Jean was flustered, confused, and curious at the same time. She never expected Lisa to include nudes... What if someone accidentally saw them? Wasn't she scared that someone else other than Jean saw them? Her face turned a soft pink shade as she read those three words.

Flip for nudes Flip for nudes Flip for nudes Flip for nudes Flip for nudes Flip for nudes

It kept repeating in her head over, and over again until she finally mustered up the confidence to flip to the other side of the note.

Her face kept turning redder, her heart beating faster, and her hands getting sweaty from all the nervousness of imagining what she would see. She was going to see Lisa's... Boobs? Nipples? Her... her... ????????

Jean finally flipped the note to the other side and...

Jean finally flipped the note to the other side and

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a/n: few days late for Jean's bday but whatever it's ok!! and guess who finally updated even though i actually wrote this 103482043894 years ago?!?!??????!!!????!?!?!??! but fr the past 2 chapters just have been troll chapters idk what romantic stuff to write with them anymore #writersblock #creativity #math

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