Overdue book (2)

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Jean was buried in her never ending pile of paperwork. At this point, she was overwhelmed and yearned for a break, but she knew she couldn't. She's the acting grandmaster of Mondstadt! She has to keep up with the workload or else the city would fall into chaos. She groaned in frustration, wondering when that Varka person would come back from his... whatever it was.

As stressed as she was, Jean was hoping for Lisa to drop by so she could take a break. Coincidentally, Lisa had knocked on her door. Jean was beaming in joy. She happily ran to the door to invite her in but-

A stern, cold expression laid on Lisa's face.

"Lisa...! What's with the cold glare?" Jean asked, hoping that she did nothing wrong.

Lisa took out her library checkout list, with Jean's name and her book title she checked out circled in bright red. "Overdue book, dearest."

Jean stared at her blankly, still trying to take in the information while her brain was still fried from all the paperwork.

"Nice book choice by the way, never knew you were into that sort of stuff..." Lisa hummed, giving Jean a wink. "Ah, looks like your brain is grilled... Here I know-" She said as she went in for a small peck on her lips. Jean had finally snapped back from reality, realized what had just happened, remembered about the book she borrowed months ago and finally, covered her bright red face in embarrassment.

"Ahhhh... I'm so sorry... I forgot I even borrowed that book because of all the work..." She apologized. "Is there anything I can do to make up for it?" Jean asked, finally facing Lisa without hands covering her face.

Lisa had given it a quick thought but immediately made up her mind. "No, I think I got the reaction I wanted." She said with a smile. "Unless you want to do something tonight then maybe-" Jean slammed the door in front of Lisa's face, quickly going back to work. Seeing Lisa today was maybe not the right break choice for her. Lisa, however, found her embarrassment cute and amusing.


a/n: zamn... an update after 2000 years... no way wtf

btw everything was written on the spot and im too lazy to edit it lol #slay 

thx to those who suggested to write a continuation to the original oneshot bc i literally had no idea what to write

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