Jean gets off early

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It was just another night in Mondstadt, however this time, Jean got off earlier than usual. This was about the time Lisa went back as well.

As Lisa was packing up for the day and was heading for the door, Jean came out of her office.

"Oh, you're done early today~" Lisa says in her usual tired-but-also-seductive tone.

"Yeah," Jean replies.

Lisa walks up to Jean, and asks "Want to walk back together? We haven't gotten the chance to walk back together in a while and have a small chat."

Jean looks back up at Lisa, "Sure," she replies seeming unfazed, but really inside, she's a mess. Too much romance novels huh...

"Great~!" Lisa exclaims.


The walk in the night city was quiet, the both of them never spoke much, other than the usual things like "how was your day", or "what's planned for tomorrow". However, this awkward silence didn't bother them, as the other person's presence was enough for the both of them.


Jean looks over to Lisa who's been yawning the whole walk, "You seem to be tired," she inquires.

Lisa looks over to Jean, "I mean, I guess I am. It's been a long day after all,"

"I have a pile of work that I'm not looking forward to tomorrow"

"Aghhasdhhasdh8dhdasdhahdaoo" Lisa grumbles.

"Don't tell me you're gonna laze around, are you?" Jean asks sternly.

"Oh no, I wouldn't want to see an angry Jean now, do I~?" Lisa teases as she leans in closer to Jean, with a playful smile on her face.

Jean catches a whiff of Lisa's rose scented perfume. Oh, how she loved the smell so much. She could feel her face heating up, but thankfully it was dark enough to hide her blushing face.

Lisa probably noticed it though, as she made more teasing jokes as they continued walking, subtly dropping hints.

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