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It went from morning kisses and breakfasts together every morning to not interacting with each other at all during the days, but it's ok. Lisa knew that Jean's work was very important.

Jean would leave for work early in the morning, leaving Lisa to herself for several hours until she goes to work. But she'd always bring a cup of Jean's favourite coffee to her once she arrived at the headquarters to catch up with her. Eventually, Lisa would repeatedly knock on her door with a cup of coffee growing cold to just her giving up and drinking it herself while flipping through her books.




Lisa knew that Jean woke up several hours earlier than her to leave for work, so she woke up even before Jean and made breakfast for her with a loving note.

But she noticed that her breakfast she made for Jean was still on the dining table as she got up to make her own breakfast.

She must've been really in a rush today... Lisa thought to herself.




Today, Lisa would try again to at least interact with the person she loves the most once.

With a cup of Jean's favourite coffee in one hand and a book that she might like to read in her leisure time in the other.

She knocked on the door, and to her surprise, the voice on the other side said, "Come in."

Lisa opened the door and greeted her lover, "Jean!" she said with a bright smile on her face.

"Ah, Lisa. How are you?" Jean replied nonchalantly, still looking down at her paperwork.

"I'm doing fine, but besides that, I brought you some coffee and a book for you that you might enjoy-"

"Thanks. I apologize, but I think I'll have to pass on the book. I've got lots of work here as you can tell." Jean cut her off, not even looking at Lisa once.

"O-oh, that's fine." Lisa replied as she placed the cup of coffee on her desk.

An awkward silence passed between them, just the sound of Jean's pen writing across the paper's surface.

Suddenly, Lisa remembered something, "Ah! Are you free tonight? It's our anniversary, so I thought maybe we could-"

"I'm busy tonight." Jean cut her off again.

"Oh... Is that so..." Lisa replied with an awkward laugh.

Jean was clearly too immersed into her workload to even notice Lisa, barely even responding to her but declining everything she asked.

"Well, I'm always here if you need me." Lisa said, moving closer to her as she tried to place her hand over Jean's free hand.

Jean instantly flicked off Lisa's hand.

Realizing what she had just done, she finally looked up from her paperwork to face Lisa.

"Sorry about that, I'm a bit busy here."

Lisa, slightly flinching back from what had just happened simply replied with another awkward laugh and apologized.

"I'll promise to make it back tonight for dinner, so would you mind leaving now? I'd like to finish this pile of work here." Jean said, knowing that she'd need to satisfy Lisa in some way to make her leave.

"Oh! I'm sorry to bother you, looks like I've overstayed my welcome. I'll leave it to you now, darling~" Lisa replied with her usual flirty voice to conceal her sadness, because she knows that Jean would never come home for dinner. But it was ok, right? Lisa loves her and understands that Jean has a lot of important work to keep Mondstadt intact.

It's fine, she kept telling herself. After all, she loves her and understands her. Isn't that what's most important?


a/n: WOW I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD WITH AN UPDATE??!!! also this was inspired by a tiktok i saw on my fyp hehe

btw the comments u guys leave are hilarious, but i apologize if i can't reply to all of them :((

btw the comments u guys leave are hilarious, but i apologize if i can't reply to all of them :((

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