god what is this chapter

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Lisa pins Jean against the brick walls, her hands right beside Jean's body.

The sudden shock of the action sent Jean into blushing furiously.

"L-Lisa?" She stutters. She never stutters.

Lisa looks at her directly in the eye, seductively smiling.

"I wanna ruin our friendship," Lisa confesses, slowly putting her pointer finger to Jean's chin, lifting it and leaning in close.

"We should be lovers instead~"

Their faces were so close to each other to the point their noses were almost touching.

Jean was at a loss for words. What was she supposed to say in this situation? Her mind was a mess, her eyes wandering everywhere. Even wandering to regions of Lisa she wouldn't dare look at. She blushed even more than she was capable of, turning her head the other way, attempting to hide her blush. She covers her mouth with her arm,

"Then let's ruin it" she mumbles.

"Hm?" Lisa hums.

Jean looks back at Lisa, cupping her face with both her hands, and going in for a kiss.

It made Lisa lose her balance, her hat dropping to the ground, and almost stumbling backwards, but Jean caught her and balanced the both of them. She wrapped an arm around her back, one supporting the back of her head, and her left leg in between hers.

"Then let's ruin it." Jean says.

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