Overdue book pt3

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Jean apologized for the abrupt rudeness of what happened earlier, promising to Lisa she'd make it up with a well deserved, home dinner date. Lisa was ecstatic when she heard of tonight's plans. She quickly, but efficiently finished up her work (which happens once every blue moon), and ran home to doll herself up. Just how long has it been since their last date together? Especially over at Jean's place?!

Lisa gleefully walks down the dim, silent, streets of Mondstadt, taking her familiar shortcut path to Jean's house, with a small bag containing cake from Hunter's Delight in her hand.

She arrives at Jean's house and knocks on the door, a large grin on her face. Jean rushes down the stairs and opens the door, her hair slightly disheveled.

"Oh, hey! You're here," Jean greets.

"Evening, dearie," Lisa replies, kissing her cheek.

Jean's cheek flushes a slight tint of red as she feels Lisa's soft lips on her skin, leaving behind a faint lipstick mark.

"Oops, got some lipstick on you," Lisa says, brushing a thumb over her cheek to wipe away the lipstick.

"Don't worry it's fine-" Jean cuts herself off, smelling smoke coming out of her kitchen.

"Fuck... I forgot about the chicken in the pan.. Wait here!" She runs off to the kitchen, leaving Lisa at the doorstep giggling.

"All this over some silly overdue book... She really is the cutest."


a/n: hey guys it's been 2 years since the last update

i didn't know what to write so enjoy this continuation !!

writing skills have improved (maybe) and i fear i've been mischaracterizing my baes so dw chat i will do a deep dive character analysis on them during my 3 connecting flights for summer vacation trust

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 03 ⏰

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