Lisa's birthday dance at Dragonspine

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It was the usual busy, slow, and work-filled night in Jean's office. However, today was Lisa's birthday.

Lisa was in the office with Jean, giving her a gentle back massage as she signed documents to ease her stress a bit. She likes it whenever Lisa gives her a massage, it puts her at ease.

"Lisa, you really don't have to force yourself to give me a massage, especially on your birthday." Jean said.

"How about I give you one?"

Shocked by the sudden question, Lisa stopped and gave a small chuckle in response. "No need, no need."

Jean got up from her chair and turned to Lisa. She caressed her cheek, "Come on, it's your birthday. Surely there's something you want?"

Lisa thought for a moment and when she was ready to give her answer she placed her hand on top of Jean's.

"Well, I'm pretty sure you mean anything, right?" She asked. "Of course I mean anything, well within limits of course." Jean replied.

"Then, how about we go on the top of Dragonspine, freeze our butts off, and dance the night away?" Lisa suggested.

Jean was slightly confused with Lisa's suggestion, but went along with it since it genuinely seemed fun. "Haha, that sounds great."

"Shall we?", she asked as she extended her arm.

Lisa gently grabbed her arm and pulled her in for a small peck on the lips. "Hope you didn't mind that, but yes, we shall." she said with a smile forming.




It was a tedious journey to the top of Dragonspine, their butts really did freeze off. Sneezes and laughter everywhere.

But, eventually they did reach their destination. It was a clear night and the moon was shining brightly, as well as the light snowflakes falling down on their clothes and faces.

"Ah... We finally made it..." Lisa sighed in exhaustion as she propped down onto the ground to rest. "It really is magical up here." Jean said as she came up next to Lisa.

They both took a moment to catch their breaths before Lisa stood up and held out her hand to Jean. She grasped onto her hand and started twirling her around under the cold moonlight on Dragonspine.

"Wow, I didn't expect you to be so good at this." Lisa said.

"Well... I kinda learnt it when I was young... Just in case, you know?" Jean replied.

Lisa, again, chuckled in response as she looked at Jean lovingly.

Jean pulled Lisa in close, and gave her a kiss on her forehead. "Happy birthday." She said, as she gave her a tight and warm hug.


a/n: yes i basically update this once a month but SHHHHHHHHHHH- also this was like really late because lisa's bday was few days ago but like i've had this idea for a while now SJADHHADSUHOUDHA oh and sorry for the crappy writing rip

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