bruh ur room is too dark

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As usual, it was late into the night and Jean was still in her office at the headquarters doing her work. Was anyone surprised at this point?

Lisa was about to head back as she noticed a small crack in the door leading to Jean's office.

Oh she's still here, might as well drop by and accompany her until she's done, Lisa thought to herself.

She opens the door and gives a gentle greeting,

"Hey, mind if I join you?" Lisa asked with a smile.

Jean looked up from her paperwork and nodded while returning the smile.

Her office was quite dim and gloomy, not the ideal setting for doing work late into the night, the only lighting coming from the window behind her.




The next time Jean stepped into her office, she noticed a small lamp grass on her desk. It gave off a gentle glow, but enough so to make her workplace comfortable and more lit up.

"I hope you like it," a voice behind her said.

She turned around and noticed Lisa with a cup of tea in her hands.

"Last night I noticed how dark and gloomy your office was and just wondered... How do you manage to get work done in this space?" She laughed.

"So I got this for you when I visited Razor for his lessons."

Jean smiled at Lisa and thanked her, "Thank you, I'll really enjoy my late night documentations even more now,"

"Especially with you."


a/n: totally not inspired from the hilichurl camp event furniture descriptions from the different characters 

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