Holding hands

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"Are you sure you want to hold hands... In public?" Jean asked.

Lisa looked at her with a playful smile and slowly grabbed her hands.

"Why of course I do," She replied.

"Let's enjoy the Windblume festival to the fullest, shall we?"

Jean slightly blushed at the statement as she intertwined her fingers with Lisa's.

"I guess it won't hurt, but it'll be the gossip of the city for who knows how long." She giggled.

"Oh, Jean..."

"Let them gossip all they want, what's important here is that we're enjoying ourselves right?" Lisa assured.

"I guess so,"

Jean turned to Lisa with a smile and gently squeezed her hands.

"How about we have a meal later? It's been a while since we had one together." She asked.

Lisa returned the smile and agreed.

a/n: i'm sacrificing my sleep for this shitty chapter because i had a sudden urge to write this chapter inspired by the windblume event cutscene while i was in the shower

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